Kami adalah studio kreatif arsitektur, kami percaya arsitektur memiliki dua makna sekaligus yang saling melengkapi antara satu dengan lainnya, yang pertama lebih bermakna ke unsur estetika dan yang kedua lebih bermakna ke unsur kenyamanan. kami membantu permasalahan desain dengan penekanan konsep yang baik, dengan menghadirkan sesuatu desain yang lain dari biasanya, dengan turut memperhatikan budget dari owner.
Read more >We believe that great architectures always come from a collaborative work between the architect, the client, and the contractor. We are specialized in creating outstanding and iconic architecture. We don’t just create drawings. We create answer, tailored to each client’s needs and wants. We design your space, for you.
Read more >[english] sigit.kusumawijaya | architect & urbandesigner or SIG, a Jakarta (Indonesia) based architecture & urban design office, was established on October 2012. This young and emerging company is focused on design projects, writings and research of various fields: architecture, urban planning, interior design, landscape design, environment, and social community movement. Its projects both design and research studies have reached broad range coverage from local areas such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Pontianak and Semarang, to other worldwide cities such as Amsterdam, Apeldoorn, Almere, Rotterdam, Washington and Cape Town. The company which consist of talented and promising architects and designers concern on green, eco, urban farming, food security and sustainable issues relate with the architecture services in accordance with its local context towards livable cities. [bahasa indonesia] sigit.kusumawijaya | architect & urbandesigner atau SIG, kantor yang berbasis di Jakarta (Indonesia) pada bidang arsitektur dan perancangan kota ini, didirikan pada bulan Oktober 2012. Konsultan muda yang baru muncul ini berfokus pada proyek-proyek desain, tulisan-tulisan pemikiran ilmiah serta riset dari berbagai macam bidang seperti arsitektur, perencanaan kota, desain interior, desain lansekap, lingkungan dan gerakan sosial masyarakat. Proyek-proyeknya baik desain maupun studi riset telah mencapai cakupan yang luas dari berbagai lokasi dari yang lokal seperti Jakarta, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Pontianak dan Semarang, hingga kota-kota dunia seperti Amsterdam, Apeldoorn, Almere, Rotterdam, Washington dan Cape Town. Konsultan ini terdiri dari arsitek-arsitek dan desainer-desainer yang bertalenta dan berpotensi yang menaruh perhatian pada isu-isu hijau, ekologi, pertanian perkotaan, ketahanan pangan dan kelestarian yang berhubungan dengan pelayanan arsitektur yang sesuai dengan konteks lokalnya untuk menuju kota yang layak huni.
Read more >Interior specialist based in Surabaya, Indonesia. We do Design, Concept, Build-partner and Decor for any spaces. Residential & Commercial VIOV INTERIORS. Solusi penyediaan interior dan furniture apartemen/rumah tinggal/kantor/retail Anda.
Read more >We are Architect Consultant with 5 years experiences from Singapore. Currently we are based in Pekanbaru, Jakarta & Bali. Contact us // Email : angkasaarchitects@gmail.com Telp : +628117579668 / +6281806902904
Read more >i2Studioarchitecture is Jakarta & Bali based Architecture studio founded 2018, consists young designers who are passionate in great design and also do build. We love challenges to redefine space and form to create clients unique experiences. We help clients to make their own dream homes
Read more >Akbar Hantar was born in Surakarta, April 22th 1990. Accomplished his architectural study in Sebelas Maret University - Surakarta in the late of 2012 as the best graduate in those period with a predicate of cum-laude. Love to join architectural competition since he was in the university, and have collaboration with several young and professional indonesian architects. Currently, Akbar is still working on his individual project as an independent architect. Competition Experiences: 2017 2nd Winner West Java Art & Cultural Center - Bandung. This competition was held by Pemprov Jawa Barat and IAI Jawa Barat 2016 Masjid Agung Pemalang Competition IAI Jawa Tengah 3rd Winner 2015 Cyber Borneo Office IAI Balikpapan 1st Winner 2014 4th Winner, Arsitektur Nusantara Competition, PROPAN AWARD, Jakarta. 1st Winner, Rumah Budaya Indonesia, National Competition, IAI. 2013 TOP 5, Banjarsari Monument Design Competition, DTRK-IAI, Surakarta. 1st Winner, Homeless Activity Center, Universitas Atmajaya, Yogyakarta. 2012 3rd Winner, Renovation Landscape and Design of Plaza Indonesia, IAI-Plaza Indonesia. 5th Winner, Laras Award Architectural Competition, Jakarta. 1st Winner, Locality in Modernity, Architectural Student Competition Category, JUTAP UGM. 1st Winner, Urban & Planning Solo City, DTRK Social Planning at Kampung Sudiroprajan. 2nd Winner Student Competition, Sayembara Arsitektur Pasca Kiamat, WEX UGM, Yogyakarta. 1st Winner, ARBBI Design Award, BCI-ARBBI. 2nd Winner Student Category, FuturArc Prize 2012, FuturArc Magazine, Singapore. 3rd Winner, Sculpture Design Competition, Fakultas Teknik UNS-IAFTEK, Surakarta. 2011 2nd Winner, Museum Nasional Design Competition, Jakarta. 3rd Winner, UNS Vandel Design Competition, UNS, Surakarta. 4th Winner, Bhayangkara Street Corridor, BAPPEDA-IAI, Surakarta. 4th Winner, Kampung Layur Social Space, UNIKA, Semarang. Top 10 Finalist, Ecohouse Design Competition, Civil Expo UGM, Yogyakarta. Top 10 Finalist, Design Competition, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang. Publications: 2016 BCI ASIA - Interchange Session Medan (Key note speaker) BCI ASIA - Interchange Session Balikpapan (Key note speaker) UNIKA Soegijapranata Semarang - Design Sharing: Selected Competition Works (lecturer) Architects Under Big 3 Denpasar #64 - Design Sharing (Key note speaker) 2015 ARCHITECTURE@2015 BCI Asia Magazine, Indonesian Cultural Center at Timor Leste. PROPAN ARSITEKTUR NUSANTARA BOOK, as honorable mention winner competition. 2014 THE YOUNG DESIRE IT, keynote speaker about competition experiences, RAW Architect Jakarta. 2013 OMAHKU KINI WORKSHOP, a workshop by Indonesian Prospective Architects 12 Architects, 12 Sites, 12 Definitions. 2012 ARBBI Design Workshop, keynote speaker. BCI Asia Interchange Session Jogja & Bandung. 31 Best Design Rumah Mungil Hijau-Book, IAAWS.
Read more >KALAYMAN adalah sebuah studio jasa konsultan dan kontraktor teknik, arsitektur dan interior yang merupakan wadah bagi para engineer, arsitek dan desainer interior yang dalam perkembangannya kini tidak hanya menangani jasa rancang bangun rumah tinggal tapi juga jasa rancang bangun interior, baik untuk rumah tinggal (house & appartment), kantor (home office & corporate office), ruang komersial (shops, resto & café etc), perumahan (townhouse) termasuk furniture dan accessories didalamnya.
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