Sejak 2013 kami sudah melayani Jasa desain interior di Bandung . Kami siap menangani berbagai proyek desain seperti showroom, toko, ritel dan ruko distro. Kami mengerjakan jasa desain interior dan kontraktor interior. Bertempat di kota Bandung kami siap melayani anda membantu merencanakan fasilitas yang anda inginkan. Desain interior toko, Desain interior ritel, Desain interior showroom, Desain interior rumah tinggal, Desain interior apartemen, Desain interior kantor, Desain interior ruko kami siap membantu.
Read more >Kami A-D Studio Bandung merupakan sebuah studio arsitek dan interior. Menerima jasa design and build. Berpengalaman dalam bidang f n b, rumah tinggal, toko/store, butik dsb
Read more >Kebutuhan ruang berjalan paralel seiring peradaban manusia berkembang. Kehadiran lingkungan binaan yang harmonis dengan kehidupan manusia merupakan hal yang esensial diperlukan. Disinilah Arsitektur hadir sebagai jembatan diantara keduanya. Manusia dan arsitektur merupakan sahabat lama yang selalu bersinergi. Keduanya selalu bertujuan menghasilkan hubungan yang harmonis. Sinergi dan harmonisasi antara manusia dan arsitektur dibutuhkan demi terciptanya suatu lingkungan yang produktif. VINOSA menjawab tantangan akan terciptanya hal tersebut. Kami percaya bahwa produk arsitektur yang optimal akan membawa manusia ke arah kualitas kehidupan yang lebih baik. Sejak tahun 2005, VINOSA menghadirkan produk arsitektur dan bangunan yang bisa mengakomodasi hal ini. Dengan bukti, pengetahuan dan pengalaman selama lebih dari tigabelas tahun, niscaya sinergi dan harmonisasi tersebut bisa kami hadirkan dalam setiap kebutuhan ruang manusia.
Read more >Halo! Kami lulusan Universitas Parahyangan Bandung jurusan Arsitektur tahun 2012 yang bergerak di bidang Interior Design, Arsitektur , Landscape dan juga Kontraktor. Kami sudah berpengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun dan sudah menangani puluhan proyek baik individu, swasta, dan pemerintahan. Kami sangat welcome untuk diskusi dan survey terlebih dahulu agar jasa yang kami tawarkan sesuai dengan keinginan bapak / ibu :) Don't hesitate to contact us! Thank you
Read more >IMAJINASI META GRAFIKA IMG ARCHITECTS is a professional team engaged in the field of architecture design. We provide great ideas and concepts to achieve people needs, with the aesthetic values and maximum space experience. We also present contemporary and eco-friendly designs, creating not only functional designs but also valueable, that improve the quality of human living. IMAGINATION . MEANING . GREAT Are the spirit that becomes our symbol identity. Imagination is a radiance boost mental emotion that moves everything in the world. Imagination is a magical power that radiates energy, strength and vibration in creating or achieving anything. We have responsibility to convert imagination into concept and reality. Therefore, imagination is a force that becomes the basis of the creation of a great and meaningful design. Imagination is unlimited. Imagination creates everything.
Read more >I focus on assisting my client getting the design that they need. Every space needs their identity and purpose. I design houses feel home, stores that raise sales, offices that increase productivity. My service will be interior design and assistance in building process, making sure that clients get what they deserve from the builder contracted later.
Read more >We are multidisciplinary design studio specialized on architecture and interior design, graphic design, mural artist and installation artist. Pull up the anchor and sail with us through the voyage of aesthetic and design thinking. Creativity is our vessel to achieve something greater and unimaginable solutions. Together with our creativity, design solution, and art, we can be closer to the greater living.
Read more >Architecture & Construction with a combination of simplicity and creativities. Produce an Architectural realization of our client request based on daily activities and adaptibilities of the future possibilities.
Read more >Architectur-Interior, Design Consultant & Interior Design. Bali - Jakarta
Read more >SWACASA (PT. Swacasa Widyaloka Cipta) is a property design-build and development company that provides design-build, contractor, and house-flipping services, as well as the provision of modern/contemporary design landed houses. SWACASA is a property design-build and development company that offers several property-related services. SWACASA stands for 'rumah sendiri' and we always believe that #AnakMudaBisaPunyaRumah. We have a big vision to help Indonesian youths to afford their first home by providing various services such as architectural & interior services, contractor services, and design-build services at millennial-friendly budget and it best quality. We have several completed-design projects such as residential, office, and commercial in Bandung, Padang, and Purwakarta. We also ready to help the landowners or real estate brokers who found it difficult to sell their product (property) by redevelopment/remodeling to make this product more attractive in the secondary property market.
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