alradistadesign ( PT Alradista Desain Indonesia_ is a Jakarta-based architecture and interior design consultant, we help everyone to create “good living space” and sustainable design, good design is not only creating what has present, but never ending effort to explore new idea to enhanced design value All fine architectural values are human values, else not valuable.“Frank Llyod Wright”
Read more >Giving ideas to something that lasts and to enhance a good quality of people's lives. Over 15 years as profesional Architect to be more matture how architecture and interior can give an unforgetable experience in people's life. Work fast and in a right composition, good understanding through renderings, become one of the important element of enjoyment.
Read more >Atelier22 adalah Konsultan Arsitek, Interior dan Kontraktor dengan kinerja yang profesional. Kami membantu klien untuk menciptakan suasana baru di rumah mereka dengan kualitas tinggi dan keamanan struktur yang terjamin. Cita - cita kami adalah mewujudkan keinginan klien menjadi terwujud. Kami memiliki tim yang terampil, profesional, handal, dan ahli dalam bidang jasa arsitek dan kontraktor. Kami telah bekerja di berbagai proyek seperti rumah tinggal, kantor, restoran, cafe, dan bangunan umum lainnya, dll.
Read more >Workshop arsitektur yang menyediakan jasa desain-desain arsitektural, eksterior maupun interior, bertempat di kota Sukabumi Jawa Barat Artha Architect terdiri dari profesional yang ahli di bidangnya dan telah berpengalaman terlibat dalam berbagai proyek di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia.
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Lihat project saya >Arsitama adalah mitra terbaik dan terpercaya pada bidang Kontraktor, Desain Arsitek, Desain Interior, dan Konsultan Teknik Struktur, Mekanikal & Elektrikal.
Read more >Acleo Design was held by an architect who was graduated from architectural engineering ITB, which won 2nd Award in Tsunami Museum NAD (innovative design category 2007) and Runner Up Tiga Roda Cement Public Furniture (2007) , we offer a minimalis tropic ecoliving design concept. with the addition of various piecemeal elements to save water or cut down on electricity. we are not only provide the design but also building process. Acleo design sevices (Design Architecture & Interior, Construction & Project Management, Design & Build)
Read more >Arsitektur Design & Build. Focusing in Commercial & Civic Narrative projects.
Read more >Our Profile urbane Indonesia is an architri ture, interior design. planning and community development consultant firm based in Bandung. UI was founded on June 20o4 in Bandung by M. Ridwan Kamil (an International Young Design Entrepreneur of the Year YDEY award recipients from British Council Indonesia in 2006) with his partners Achmad D. Tardiyana. Nurtjahja and Irvan P. Darwis. We have established an international reputation by doing some overseas project su as syria Al-Noor Ecopolis in syria and Changchun Financial District in China. urbane Indonesia's team consists of young professionals with creative and idealistic minds to look for and create solutions for environment and urban design problem. Urbane also has a community project in urbane community projects with a vision and mission to help people in an urban community to have donation access and skills to upgrade their neighborhood
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