GUBAH RUANG merupakan biro konsultan berbasis di bandung yang terdiri dari sekumpulan arsitek, perancang, pelaksana dan pembuat konsep yang bergerak di bidang arsitektur, interior dan desain lansekap. Gubah Ruang didirikan oleh Angga Adhi Susilo., ST., IAI setelah memutuskan untuk mengambil jalan karir secara mandiri dengan mengakhiri biro aasda arsitek yang telah di dirikan bersama partner kerja sejak tahun 2010. Visi kami adalah untuk jadi yang terbaik dalam dunia profesional jasa rancang dan bangun yang memberikan nilai positif kepada klien melalui inovasi , keunggulan, keberlanjutan , dan prinsip-prinsip bisnis yang baik. Secara umum Gubah Ruang berperan sebagai salah satu arsitek bandung di Indonesia yang menawarkan pelayanan terbaik sesuai dengan kepentingan klien. Gubah Ruang berorientasi pada pelayanan terbaik untuk klien serta memprioritaskan kepentingan klien dengan berlandas pada prinsip-prinsip arsitektur, interior, dan desain lansekap. Pelayanan terbaik kami berikan melalui ketepatan waktu dan optimalisasi desain demi memenuhi ekspektasi serta kepuasan klien. Gubah Ruang menawarkan pelayanan yang lebih terjangkau sebagai upaya kontributif, memberikan aksesibilitas kepada masyarakat luas akan perancangan arsitektur yang lebih bernilai. Klien merupakan pertimbangan paling utama kami dalam mengatasi setiap proyek baru. Kami selalu berusaha untuk memberikan perhatian yang terbaik untuk menggapai keinginan, harapan, serta kebutuhan dari klien. Kami melayani klien sebagai penasihat yang terpercaya, menggabungkan keahlian lokal dengan sudut pandang global pada setiap adanya kesempatan baru yang muncul. Sebagai arsitek, perancang, dan perencana, kami anggap bahwa sudah semestinya menjadi tanggungjawab kami untuk merancang bangunan-bangunan yang berkinerja serta bernilai tinggi yang mana secara positif dapat memberikan dampak kepada masyarakat, lingkungan, serta bangsa yang sepatutnya kami layani.
Read more >We are an architectural firm based in Jakarta. We are a team of architects, interior designers, and civil engineers. We are aware of who we are and what we do. What we do implements us to do things. JR Design provides discriminating clients with a comphrehensive range of design services and skills. By focusing time and energy on development of state-of-the-art systems, exacting specifications and documentation, JR Design creates innovative design solutions for every project.During each phase of the project, from initial concept, through design development, to final installation, JR Design seeks to distinguish their work through rigorous attention to detail, high standards and meticulous follow-through. Supported by exceptional project management teams, JR Design ensures that each project is completed on time and within budget.
Read more >Mitrasasana is a company based interior, architecture, building contracting service in several location in Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Bali. Formed in 2015 by 5 people from interior designer degree in Telkom University with vision high desire design architecture shutter with more than 4 years experience in the field of residential, hospitality, commercial, office social. And when the name Mitrasasana was firts published on Aug 2016 Founded by an idea in growing each character from design element becomes an interconnected living between emotional, humans, space motion.
Read more >VIN•DA•TE design company established in 2010. The Creative design philosophy of our company emerged from a research and investigative approach based upon its social, aesthetics, and ecological values allied to spatial, physical, and craftmanship performance within the Indonesian cultural context. Since 2011, PT. VINDATE ANANTA VIRYA has enjoyed collaboration with multidiscipline design such as interior, architecture, product, graphic design, and others. VIN•DA•TE is commited to become one stop design solution to the benefits of client's projects. Our reputation has been buit by helping clients create their excellence projects. We incorporate the client's needs with the eesential quality of good design. By understanding the nature of materials, local cultural values, and applying the basic principles of proportion and scale to develop the highest quality of Indonesian contemporary design.
Read more >A simple story about Samitrayasa's meaning reveals the characteristic "friendship" philosophy behind the Jakarta-based triumvirate of young architects. We are keen on doing something utopian yet realistic in design, as if the architecture is not just a form and its function, but the manifestation from man's perpetual idea In creating new experience, expression and impression towards the space. -
Read more >In D+Sign, the true meaning of our existence is reached when we successfully create a place that conveys particular narrative, translating clients' preference, personality and story into a designated space. To reach this goal, our architecture and interior design studio continuously develop more ways to present great designs that work through collaboration, multidisciplinary approach, and strong design concept that transcends trend and style. We focus throughout the process, our clients become members of our team as we work together with variety of talents, technical experts, and multiple stakeholders to achieve a common goal : building a distinctively remarkable place that conveys a story to live in.
Read more >Penyedia Jasa Rancang dan Bangun (Design & Build) yang berlokasi di Bandung, Kami selalu mengedepankan design development yang matang supaya dapat menjadi solusi bagi pemberi jasa dalam pengaplikasian di lapangan yang terstruktur yang dapat menghasilkan kualitas yang optimal dan kesesuian dilapangan berdasarkan desain. Semoga kehadiran dari kami dapat membantu menyelesaikan problem/ issue dari masing-masing pencari problem solver.
Read more >OUR DESIGN PHILOSOPHY: Founded in 2018, AGo ARCHITECTS is an Indonesian architecture consulting firm based in Jakarta, and is a transformation from AplusA Architects. We believe in architecture that brings positive impacts to the society. In recent years, we have observed the new trends and practices in architecture that take into account its impact on the environment and the society it lives in. This holistic approach ensures that architecture is not merely a physical experience, but rather an aesthetic interpretation of harmonic relationship between human and its physical environment. We strive to deliver architecture that is functional, sustainable, and hospitable through a careful curation of its materials, efficient design, and sustainability in mind. With these principles, our architecture anticipates the challenges of the future–socially, environmentally, and economically. We provide consultancy services for architectural, interior, and urban design, as well as building performance research. If you are as passionate as we are in creating positive impacts through architecture, feel free to contact us and #giveitAGo! ABIMANTRA PRADHANA Partner | Principal Architect | Urban Designer Abimantra has more than 12 years of experience in architecture industry. He is a passionate architect, lecturer, and also an urban designer that constantly strive to bring impact to the city with a well-thought architecture approach. He was the founder of AplusA architects in 2010 before later he co-founded AGo architects in 2018. He teaches Architecture Design Studio and Communication Technique at the Podomoro University since 2014. His passion to promote healthy lifestyle has brought him to be the co-founder of SANA studio, a pioneer active lifestyle hub in Jakarta. He believes that a good architecture can also stimulates healthy lifestyles. He finished his Bachelor of Architecture from Trisakti University (2005) and earned his Master of Urban Design from the National University of Singapore (2008). OSRITHALITA GABRIELA (GABI OSRI) Managing Partner | Principal Architects | Building Researcher With more than 7 years of experience as an architect and building performance researcher, Gabi Osri has an extensive experience in architectural design and technical know-how in sustainable building performance. Before co-founding AGo Architecture with Abimantra, she was a key member of a research team at the National University of Singapore Department of Building that developed thermal comfort standards for naturally ventilated building in Singapore. The standards were then adopted in Singapore’s sustainable building code for GreenMark certification. She received her Bachelor of Architecture from Trisakti University and earned her Master of Science in Building Performance and Sustainability from the National University of Singapore.
Read more >Saya merupakan Sarjana Teknik Arsitektur dari Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung. Saya memiliki pengalaman dalam desain arsitektur, interior, estimator, Site engineer, Manager Oprasional dan Project Manager. Saya memiliki ketertarikan dalam memimpin pekerjaan proyek, saya menikmati ketika Menjadi pemimpin dalam proses perencanaan dan pelaksanaan proyek, Mengkoordinir pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam pembagian tugas dan tanggung jawab dalam menyelesaikan proyek. saya sangat terbuka dengan pengetahuan baru dan sudut pandang baru. Saya memiliki kepribadian yang tenang serta teliti dan menikmati setiap proses pekerjaan yang dilakukan, baik bekerja secara individu maupu bekerja secara tim
Read more >"Design Changes Life". We believe that design could positively impact people around us and the community through our practice in creating built environment design. SLIGHT Development Group (PT Sejati Landindo Grahatama) offers you a 'one-stop development solution service'. Our comprehensive work ranges from land development, urban design / masterplanning, & architecture with complete MEP, structure design from the conceptual stage, and design development, to DED (Detail Engineering Design) drawing as guidance for the construction stage. We are dedicated to delivering excellence in every project, whether it’s constructing buildings or developing new urban communities. With our skilled and high-performing team, we are committed to providing comprehensive solutions tailored to your needs. Contact us today to explore how we can bring your vision to life with precision and innovation!
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