STUDIO RNA. is a design-build studio based in Bekasi, founded in 2019 by Gerry Harriara Gorby and Nur Arif Wicaksono, architects and designers who have 5 years experience from various well-known companies in Indonesia as Summarecon Agung, PT. PP Properti, PT. Nindya Karya, TSDS Interior Architects and Quadratura Indonesia . As STUDIO RNA. principals, Gerry and Arif are quite experienced in handling small, medium, and large scale projects. studiorna believes that a well-pursued design process will produce the right design product. Therefore, we were very serious about going through the design process until build. For STUDIO RNA., clients are collaborative partners to produce joint work. Our main task is to elaborate on client needs, budget, and site context, to create the best possible design work or product. Architecture is a passion, so we try to enjoy every process and live it with pleasure. We are looking forward to collaborating with our clients. Let's make a dream and make it happen together!
Read more >The seed is meant to grow in a right time and place. As we plant the seed today and harvest it afterwards. In order to grow up, the seed knows that it has to go through process. It is spread on the ground, goes deeper in the dark and later it struggles to reach the light it needs to grow with. With honors to Him who bless us talents, we transform His ideas into physical form; with the favor of technology He let us to invent more and more. This is where the seeds grow carefully, meaningfully and maturely. About Us Designing, to us, means to see beauty through unlimited perspectives.. Therefore we are now expanding our new possibilities by creating Seed Studio Design to support existency and professionalism of interior architecture designing in general, and to us building your desired blueprints into reality. We assist our clients in rooting the ideas down and brainstorming them into concepts and conceptual works. Every line, shape, color and texture has unique interpretation and we are here to find it as your own characteristic. We are not only designing but also to show others the beauty that we do see. We are not only generating ideas but assisting you to create your ideas to be coming true.
Read more >GUBAH RUANG merupakan biro konsultan berbasis di bandung yang terdiri dari sekumpulan arsitek, perancang, pelaksana dan pembuat konsep yang bergerak di bidang arsitektur, interior dan desain lansekap. Gubah Ruang didirikan oleh Angga Adhi Susilo., ST., IAI setelah memutuskan untuk mengambil jalan karir secara mandiri dengan mengakhiri biro aasda arsitek yang telah di dirikan bersama partner kerja sejak tahun 2010. Visi kami adalah untuk jadi yang terbaik dalam dunia profesional jasa rancang dan bangun yang memberikan nilai positif kepada klien melalui inovasi , keunggulan, keberlanjutan , dan prinsip-prinsip bisnis yang baik. Secara umum Gubah Ruang berperan sebagai salah satu arsitek bandung di Indonesia yang menawarkan pelayanan terbaik sesuai dengan kepentingan klien. Gubah Ruang berorientasi pada pelayanan terbaik untuk klien serta memprioritaskan kepentingan klien dengan berlandas pada prinsip-prinsip arsitektur, interior, dan desain lansekap. Pelayanan terbaik kami berikan melalui ketepatan waktu dan optimalisasi desain demi memenuhi ekspektasi serta kepuasan klien. Gubah Ruang menawarkan pelayanan yang lebih terjangkau sebagai upaya kontributif, memberikan aksesibilitas kepada masyarakat luas akan perancangan arsitektur yang lebih bernilai. Klien merupakan pertimbangan paling utama kami dalam mengatasi setiap proyek baru. Kami selalu berusaha untuk memberikan perhatian yang terbaik untuk menggapai keinginan, harapan, serta kebutuhan dari klien. Kami melayani klien sebagai penasihat yang terpercaya, menggabungkan keahlian lokal dengan sudut pandang global pada setiap adanya kesempatan baru yang muncul. Sebagai arsitek, perancang, dan perencana, kami anggap bahwa sudah semestinya menjadi tanggungjawab kami untuk merancang bangunan-bangunan yang berkinerja serta bernilai tinggi yang mana secara positif dapat memberikan dampak kepada masyarakat, lingkungan, serta bangsa yang sepatutnya kami layani.
Read more >Inches Design is an interior design consultant and design management. We specialized in creating and managing design and build standardization for corporate. We believe that an advance society is drive by developing companies that surround them, therefore we dedicate ourselves to serve and help business entities that are eager to develop with more efficiency, faster and at lower cost by design and build standardization.
Read more >Infrastructure is a strong platform to support and sustain economic growth in Indonesia. The area of Indonesia, which covers around 1,919,440 square kilometers, consists of five main islands and about 30 small archipelagoes, totaling about 17,508 islands, with a population of over 254 million people. Oneness Group is an Interior Design, Architecture, Furniture, and Contractor Development Service Provider. Oneness is built by experienced professionals in their fields to fulfill the needs of the community. Our Vision: Create Design & Build of Your Dream Buildings, Solving Problems, & Providing Solutions Our Mission: 1. Improve The Quality Of Work 2. Provide The Best Solutions & Services 3. Build Trust In Customers 4. Be On Time And With Integrity 5. Quick Response To Relations
Read more >kami bergerak di bidang proyek pembangunan rumah.kantor,sekolahan,dan perumnas dan lain lain. spesialisasi pengerjaan alumunium dan composite panel,kitchen set. dan mengerjakan konstruksi bangunan,renovasi,konstruksi baja ringan,untuk perorangan,subsidi ataupun perusahaan.
Read more >Akbar Hantar was born in Surakarta, April 22th 1990. Accomplished his architectural study in Sebelas Maret University - Surakarta in the late of 2012 as the best graduate in those period with a predicate of cum-laude. Love to join architectural competition since he was in the university, and have collaboration with several young and professional indonesian architects. Currently, Akbar is still working on his individual project as an independent architect. Competition Experiences: 2017 2nd Winner West Java Art & Cultural Center - Bandung. This competition was held by Pemprov Jawa Barat and IAI Jawa Barat 2016 Masjid Agung Pemalang Competition IAI Jawa Tengah 3rd Winner 2015 Cyber Borneo Office IAI Balikpapan 1st Winner 2014 4th Winner, Arsitektur Nusantara Competition, PROPAN AWARD, Jakarta. 1st Winner, Rumah Budaya Indonesia, National Competition, IAI. 2013 TOP 5, Banjarsari Monument Design Competition, DTRK-IAI, Surakarta. 1st Winner, Homeless Activity Center, Universitas Atmajaya, Yogyakarta. 2012 3rd Winner, Renovation Landscape and Design of Plaza Indonesia, IAI-Plaza Indonesia. 5th Winner, Laras Award Architectural Competition, Jakarta. 1st Winner, Locality in Modernity, Architectural Student Competition Category, JUTAP UGM. 1st Winner, Urban & Planning Solo City, DTRK Social Planning at Kampung Sudiroprajan. 2nd Winner Student Competition, Sayembara Arsitektur Pasca Kiamat, WEX UGM, Yogyakarta. 1st Winner, ARBBI Design Award, BCI-ARBBI. 2nd Winner Student Category, FuturArc Prize 2012, FuturArc Magazine, Singapore. 3rd Winner, Sculpture Design Competition, Fakultas Teknik UNS-IAFTEK, Surakarta. 2011 2nd Winner, Museum Nasional Design Competition, Jakarta. 3rd Winner, UNS Vandel Design Competition, UNS, Surakarta. 4th Winner, Bhayangkara Street Corridor, BAPPEDA-IAI, Surakarta. 4th Winner, Kampung Layur Social Space, UNIKA, Semarang. Top 10 Finalist, Ecohouse Design Competition, Civil Expo UGM, Yogyakarta. Top 10 Finalist, Design Competition, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang. Publications: 2016 BCI ASIA - Interchange Session Medan (Key note speaker) BCI ASIA - Interchange Session Balikpapan (Key note speaker) UNIKA Soegijapranata Semarang - Design Sharing: Selected Competition Works (lecturer) Architects Under Big 3 Denpasar #64 - Design Sharing (Key note speaker) 2015 ARCHITECTURE@2015 BCI Asia Magazine, Indonesian Cultural Center at Timor Leste. PROPAN ARSITEKTUR NUSANTARA BOOK, as honorable mention winner competition. 2014 THE YOUNG DESIRE IT, keynote speaker about competition experiences, RAW Architect Jakarta. 2013 OMAHKU KINI WORKSHOP, a workshop by Indonesian Prospective Architects 12 Architects, 12 Sites, 12 Definitions. 2012 ARBBI Design Workshop, keynote speaker. BCI Asia Interchange Session Jogja & Bandung. 31 Best Design Rumah Mungil Hijau-Book, IAAWS.
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