Building Information ModellingArchitecture, Interior & Survey Mapping
Read more >Ega Cipta Pratama adalah perusahaan penyedia Jasa Konstruksi yang fokus kepada pembangunan/renovasi gedung, rumah nggal dan interior. Ega Cipta Pratama didirikan pada tahun 2003 dan telah menyelesaikan banyak proyek di sektor pemerintah dan swasta di seluruh Indonesia. Ega Cipta Pratama berkomitmen untuk menyediakan produk berkualitas, layanan yang unggul sehingga dapat meningkatkan nilai produk perusahaan dari mitra kerjanya.
Read more >Kami telah lama melayani dan memenuhi permintaan warga indonesia untuk mewujudkan impian serta keinginan dalam menata – mendesain interior rumah – interior kantor dan perabotan Kami sangat senang menjadi bagian dalam mewujudkan dan merealisasikan impian tersebut. kami berupaya mewujudkan rencana dan keinginan anda agar terwujud dalam mewujudkan interior rumah dan usaha sesuai dengan impian anda.
Read more >"Conceptio Design And Build" merupakan kontraktor desain dan bangun/renovasi rumah yang didirikan pada Oktober 2020. Jasa yang kami tawarkan antara lain : 1. Desain Interior dan Eksterior Rumah 2. Rencana Anggaran Biaya 3. Bangun/Renovasi Rumah Tinggal ( Khusus Wilayah Jawa Timur ) "Conceptio Design And Build" sudah mengerjakan beberapa proyek di wilayah Jawa Timur. Kami berkomitmen untuk memberikan pelayanan jasa yang cepat dan sesuai keinginan Client. Untuk konsultasi dan penawaran yang anda inginkan, bisa hubungi kami via WA 081210035015 atau melalui akun media sosial kami. Instagram : concept_tio
Read more >CV Tri Jaya Karya atau biasa disebut CV TJK merupakan perusahaan yg bergerak di bidang jasa konstruksi khususnya untuk Pembangunan dan Renovasi Rumah Tinggal / Kos-Kosan / Kantor maupun Pertokoan. Adapun cakupan area layanan kami saat ini masih mencakup area Jawa Tengah dan Jawa Timur.
Read more >heyaarchitects didirikan oleh Aditya Taufiqurrahman dan Zaqrine Luthea Niqren. Aditya Taufiqurrahman bekerja di konsultan perencana (ARA Studio, Surabaya. 2015 - 2018), Ciputra Development, Tbk, di The Taman Dayu (2018 - Sekarang). Zaqrine Luthe Niqren bekerja di konsultan perencana (Kosa Matra Graha, Malang. 2014 - 2021).
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Lihat project saya >Kami menyediakan jasa desain rumah , kantor , rumah kos , pabrik, Ruko dll. beberapa paket yang kami tawarkan : 1. Jasa Borongan renovasi rumah dan bangun rumah baru 2. Jasa hitung struktur bangunan ( sap2000 ) untuk SLF 3. Jasa Desain Interior Rumah dan Kitchen Set 4. Jasa Gambar Arsitektur dan Struktur Bangunan serta 3d model dan rendering . daniar
Read more >Raaj Gill Arsitek is a private company officially established in 2014 in Jakarta, Indonesia. We are specialize in understanding modern and high-caliber solutions for architecture design services including interior design, landscape planning and construction. The firm’s emphasis on personal customer service is the cornerstone of our practice. We also develop our capabilities in the design of building facades and this makes us an architect firm that provides complete building design solutions. We provide a range of professional services, with the performance of our exceptional/outstanding team of experts who always pay extra attention to detail. With a “passion for excellence” expressed through design, Raaj Gill Arsitek prides itself on helping clients imagine projects that meet their needs and then turn those dreams into reality. In designing, we make dynamic, sometimes unconventional and unexpected design proposals that allow building to reflect its own personality, while remaining true to its core functions. We believe that proficient designs stand the test of time, and the building can be designed in modern day while still respecting their owners and their history, but also be of their time, re-energising contexts by creating a fresh sense of engagement. The building designed by Raaj Gill Arsitek reflect their clients not themselves; convey a distinct and meaningful sense of architectural continuity; a presence that draws on both historic and precedent and change. The principals of Raaj Gill Arsitek strive to instill the values of honesty, fairness, perseverance and trust in God in their business. Raaj Gill Arsitek is commited to improving and enriching the built and natural environment while meeting the specific needs of individual clients. Raaj Gill Arsitek is also commited to improving the personal of their staff to become experts in their field in order to continue serve clients in particular and society in general and provide high standard quality services. We have positioned ourselves as the choice for those who value quality, creativity, and distinction. The Raaj Gill Arsitek accent design and supervision procedure is based in rigorous research and experimentation. We work hand-in-hand with our clients on design strategy and involve them in every processes of development, because for us every project should be addressed as a special carefully considered response to our client’s needs, site and budget. Moreover, our objective in designing is to enrich experiences and provide an ideal modern-living environment.
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