I am from Trisakti University, Bachelor of fine arts and design, my work experience has been more than 4 years, my current work interior design consultan
Read more >Perusahaan kami bergerak pada bidang pembangunan baru maupun renovasi. Untuk bangunan rumah, hotel, kos-kosan, ruko, gudang. Perusahaan kami melayani pengerjaan untuk pengadaan furniture dalam bentuk custom. Pengalaman sudah lebih dari 10 tahun di dalam bidang konstruksi, civil, interior & exterior. Kami juga elayani design unutk berbagai permintaan bangunan property, masterplan, dll.
Read more >PT. Infinispeed Mahakarya Konstruksi is a company engaged in consulting, design and construction services. Covers buildings (implementing services for residential building construction and implementing services for construction of other buildings) and civil buildings. With the experience we have gone through, supported by competent human resources in their fields, we continue to grow because of the trust of our clients and the totality that we devote to producing the best works
Read more >I am a freelancer designer, specialist at Home and Apartment design, but also can design Office, Lounge, Shop/Store, etc. My style is modern and modern classic design. I have 10 years experiences - even more ( i have designed since i on my college S1 interior design degree at Tarumanagara University ). I loved to find that people love my design, and usable for them ( since my design consider ergonomic at most ). Contact me for further assistant.
Read more >Recipient of Dulux Australia Award for Best Performance in Final Year Thesis
Read more >Our designs are based on an intention to be a problem solver. We listen to client’s needs and try to translate those needs into design. Our hope is to create a better living and activity space for our clients.
Read more >Architect graduate, currently working as architect & interior designer.
Read more >"Emphasis of SOLUtion and innovation in works"Solu Architects (PT. Solusi Cipta Karya Studio) merupakan konsultan arsitek yang berada di Kota Bekasi, Jawa Barat. Ruang lingkup jasa pekerjaan kami meliputi :- Desain Arsitektur- Desain Interior- Desain Lansekap (Taman, Kolam, Dll)- Pengawasan Proyek (Site Supervisor)- Estimasi Biaya (Estimator)- Pengurusan Izin Bangunan (IMB, KRK, Dll)- Pelaksanaan Konstruksi Sipil dan Interior- Penyedia Custom FurniturPortofolio kami mayoritas bekerjasama dengan Perusahaan lainnya (B2B) seperti :- McDonald's Indonesia / PT. Rekso Nasional Food Indonesaia - Pengerjaan Dokumen Izin Bangunan di Jabodetabek & Bandung- Pelni Logistcis (BUMN) / PT. PBM Sarana Bandar Nasional - Pekerjaan perencaan Desain Arsitektur & Interior serta sebagai pengawas proyek lapangan Home Office & Kantor Utama - ABC Indonesia / PT. ABC President Indonesia - Melakukan kelengkapan Gambar Kerja Eksisting untuk kebuituhan renovasi jalur pemipaan pipa produksi di Pabrik Kawasan Industri Karawang.- Yayasan Al Azhar Indonesia - Pekerjaan perencanaan desain Lansekap Taman & Area Parkir SMPI Al - Azhar Jakapermai Bekasi seluas 800 m2- Yayasan Al Muhajirien Indonesia - Pekerjaan perencanaan desain Lansekap Taman & Area Parkir Yayasan Al - Muhajirien Jakapermai Bekasi seluas 1.300 m2- Royal Garden Apartment - Pekerjaan pengecekan dan supervisi As Build Drawing dari segi Arsitektur (ARS). Struktur (STR), Listrik Arus Kuat (LAK), Listrik Arus Lemah (LAL), Sanitasi Drainase Plumbing (SDP), Heating Ventilation Air Conditioning (HVAC) untuk pengurusan Izin SLF.
Read more >We provide the best interior design concept drawing for our special cllients who choose us to build their dream space such as residential, commercial and hospitality spaces. Since the beginning of S.W.A.N Design Consultant as a company specialized in interior design,decor and 3d visualization in 2010,we have produced a lot of excellent conceptual images that are customized based on thefunction and need of the owner. Therefore, there will be no repetition for the design because we understand each client has their own taste and different method in using the space.We don't stop in only providing good quality design images but we also give services in supervising projects started from helping to choose the best contractor through tendering, supervising when the project is being built in site, and also giving consultation in choosing the loose furniture and decoration that fits best for the design to enhance the ambience in the space.Lastly, the satisfaction of our client as the owner of the space is what matter the most for us to provide the best professional interior design services
Read more >Ping Design | Interior Rumah & Apartemen Desain Interior dan Bangun Jakarta - Tangerang Kami bantu anda mengatasi keterbatasan ruang menjadi lebih luas, nyaman dan fungsional
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