Mozarchitect merupakan studio perencanaan arsitektur, awal mula pada tahun 2017 kami di minta untuk mendesain renovasi rumah tinggal yang merupakan awal proyek kami, setelah proyek renovasi selesai kami di minta kembali untuk mendesain proyek yang cukup besar yaitu desain perumahan, dari situ kami mulai berani untuk mendirikan Mozarchitect pada tahun 2021, bertujuan untuk melebarkan sayap menciptakan gagasan invotif dan kreatif dalam menjawab kebutuhan arsitektur, kami mempunyai pengalaman mendesain, rumah tinggal, villa, perumahan, tempat ibadah, club house, dan bangunan komersil lainya.
Read more >Patih Group merupakan gabungan dari entitas usaha yang bergerak di industri konstruksi dan pengembang perumahan. Secara jangka panjang, Patih Group memiliki visi untuk menjadi entitas usaha "Satu Atap" dalam industri konstruksi dan perumahan (hulu-hilir). Saat ini ada dua entitas yang menjadi bagian dari Patih Group, yakni Patih Design & Build dan Studio57. Patih Design & Build merupakan anak usaha yang bergerak di bidang Perencanaan dan Pelaksanaan Jasa Konstruksi, baik Sipil maupun Interior. Beroperasional sejak tahun 2014, Patih Design & Build telah menangani banyak perencanaan dan pelaksanaan konstruksi sipil dan interior, mulai dari rumah tinggal/residensial, perkantoran, area komersial, hingga produksi barang-barang asesoris interior. Patih Design & Build telah memiliki workshop interior sendiri untuk menunjang kebutuhan produksi. Studio57 merupakan anak usaha yang bergerak di bidang pengembang perumahan. Diinisiasi pada tahun 2019, Studio57 secara resmi memulai proyek pengembang pertama di tahun 2020. Perumahan Jatisampurna Asri di daerah Jatisampurna, Kota Bekasi menjadi proyek pembuka. Memiliki total 23 unit dan 3 tipe bangunan, Perumahan Jatisampurna Asri terbilang cukup berhasil, walaupun beroperasional ditengah situasi pandemi COVID-19. Studio57 berkomitmen untuk terus menghadirkan hunian nyaman, fungsional, nan terjangkau bagi masyarakat.
Read more >Kami mengutamakan kerapihan dan kecepatan dalam setiap pembangunan dan desain kami. Bekerja dengan kecepatan dan ketelitian diatas rata - rata seperti memakai jin. Spesialisasi kami adalah bangunan dan desain Industrial serta retail project yang mengutamakan kecepatan dan ketepatan kerja.
Read more >A Jakarta-based architectural and interior design practice established in 2015, which is specialized in design & build service for private housing, apartments and commercial spaces, supported by strong team members that deliver excellent design & build products. Our principal designers have high-level of design capability with years of experiences in the related field and had worked in prominent design firms in both Jakarta and Singapore. We participate in projects from the initial concepts, budgeting, construction drawings production, city permit submittals, project coordination, material, furniture and other decorative item selections – always with professionalism, attention to detail, and excellent project management skills. Our commitment is to produce good design and deliver it well in order to cater to the user's needs and try to collaborate the needs of the client with the necessary aspects such as economics, environment, regulations, and social characteristic of a place. We combine the team work of excellent human resources with the utilization of latest technology and software to produce the great design that does not only benefit the client, but also to add higher value of the space itself.
Read more >Dengan bekerja sama dengan oke tukang anda bisa mendapatkan pelayanan satu pintu semua dari oke tukang, 1. Konsultasi tata ruang bangunan yang baik, konsultasi kontruksi biar tidak pemborosan , dll, ini (GRATIS) 2. Pembuatan desain bangunan ➕ RAB. ( GRATIS) 3. Pengerjaan sipil (bangunan) dengan tukang ahli langsung dari orang kita sendiri tidak di alihkan ke pemborong bangunan lain sehingga jika terjadi hal2 yg tidak di inginkan oketukang yang akan bertanggung jawab. 3. Pekerjaan Exterior langsung dari tukang2 ahli yang sudah terbukti bisa mengerjakan exterior rumah2 mewah di kawasan komplek elit di jkt, seperti pondok indah dan lainnya,
Read more >Sinan Arsitek adalah Konsultan Arsitek yang fokus pada pembuatan perencanaan bangunan hunian dan komersial. Kami membantu merencanakan / mendesain bangunan renovasi atau bangun baru. Kami bertekad selalu disiplin untuk terus meningkatkan kualitas produk, enjoy di bidang yang dikerjakannya, selalu openmind, PASSIONATE dan mengerjakan desain dengan sepenuh hati.
Read more >Menyediakan jasa perencanaan dan pelaksanaan untuk pekerjaan sipil, arsitektur, interior, dan ME
Read more >alradistadesign ( PT Alradista Desain Indonesia_ is a Jakarta-based architecture and interior design consultant, we help everyone to create “good living space” and sustainable design, good design is not only creating what has present, but never ending effort to explore new idea to enhanced design value All fine architectural values are human values, else not valuable.“Frank Llyod Wright”
Read more >Raaj Gill Arsitek is a private company officially established in 2014 in Jakarta, Indonesia. We are specialize in understanding modern and high-caliber solutions for architecture design services including interior design, landscape planning and construction. The firm’s emphasis on personal customer service is the cornerstone of our practice. We also develop our capabilities in the design of building facades and this makes us an architect firm that provides complete building design solutions. We provide a range of professional services, with the performance of our exceptional/outstanding team of experts who always pay extra attention to detail. With a “passion for excellence” expressed through design, Raaj Gill Arsitek prides itself on helping clients imagine projects that meet their needs and then turn those dreams into reality. In designing, we make dynamic, sometimes unconventional and unexpected design proposals that allow building to reflect its own personality, while remaining true to its core functions. We believe that proficient designs stand the test of time, and the building can be designed in modern day while still respecting their owners and their history, but also be of their time, re-energising contexts by creating a fresh sense of engagement. The building designed by Raaj Gill Arsitek reflect their clients not themselves; convey a distinct and meaningful sense of architectural continuity; a presence that draws on both historic and precedent and change. The principals of Raaj Gill Arsitek strive to instill the values of honesty, fairness, perseverance and trust in God in their business. Raaj Gill Arsitek is commited to improving and enriching the built and natural environment while meeting the specific needs of individual clients. Raaj Gill Arsitek is also commited to improving the personal of their staff to become experts in their field in order to continue serve clients in particular and society in general and provide high standard quality services. We have positioned ourselves as the choice for those who value quality, creativity, and distinction. The Raaj Gill Arsitek accent design and supervision procedure is based in rigorous research and experimentation. We work hand-in-hand with our clients on design strategy and involve them in every processes of development, because for us every project should be addressed as a special carefully considered response to our client’s needs, site and budget. Moreover, our objective in designing is to enrich experiences and provide an ideal modern-living environment.
Read more >PT Ceka Arsitektur Interior adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang arsitektur dan interior. Kami selalu mengupayakan yang terbaik untuk merealisasikan design , konsep atau keinginan dari klien kami. Kami mempunyai pengalaman dalam beberapa jenis pekerjaan baik residential atau commercial (restoran, cafe, office, retail, dan lain-lain).
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