We are an architectural firm based in Jakarta. We are a team of architects, interior designers, and civil engineers. We are aware of who we are and what we do. What we do implements us to do things. JR Design provides discriminating clients with a comphrehensive range of design services and skills. By focusing time and energy on development of state-of-the-art systems, exacting specifications and documentation, JR Design creates innovative design solutions for every project.During each phase of the project, from initial concept, through design development, to final installation, JR Design seeks to distinguish their work through rigorous attention to detail, high standards and meticulous follow-through. Supported by exceptional project management teams, JR Design ensures that each project is completed on time and within budget.
Read more >TAU ( Tsang Architecture Urbanism) is a multifaceted design studio that works at all levels of design from large scale urban planning to smaller tactile product design. The founder, Samuel has worked across China, Indonesia and Australia on projects ranging from interiors to mixed use buildings, masterplanning and landscape. At the core philosophy of TAU is how to realize a concept and build it correctly no matter the complexity or forces which undermine the original design intent. TAU approaches all design through a process of analysis, experimentation, digital/physical 3d modeling, and testing of the boundaries and program of a project . The workshop and the design studio work in the same space allowing a seamless communication from technical drawings to construction and fabrication. This hands-on approach to design is a tool which allows our designers to work quickly from the digital to the physical realm. TAU employs architects, project managers, interior designers, product designers, welders, carpenters and graphic designers to support all parts of the design process. TAU’s team of architects with experience throughout South East Asia are capable of problem solving any type, function or scale of project. TAU approaches any new project with consideration of the clients program of brief, the surrounding environmental site conditions, and analysis of market forces. TAU is unique in that it works closely with business development managers, hotel operators, marketing companies, developers, financial consultants and government agencies to inform and influence the direction of the initial concept and final building.
Read more >Saya merupakan Sarjana Teknik Arsitektur dari Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung. Saya memiliki pengalaman dalam desain arsitektur, interior, estimator, Site engineer, Manager Oprasional dan Project Manager. Saya memiliki ketertarikan dalam memimpin pekerjaan proyek, saya menikmati ketika Menjadi pemimpin dalam proses perencanaan dan pelaksanaan proyek, Mengkoordinir pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam pembagian tugas dan tanggung jawab dalam menyelesaikan proyek. saya sangat terbuka dengan pengetahuan baru dan sudut pandang baru. Saya memiliki kepribadian yang tenang serta teliti dan menikmati setiap proses pekerjaan yang dilakukan, baik bekerja secara individu maupu bekerja secara tim
Read more >MARK Associates is a Greater Jakarta based multidisciplinary architectural corporation who believes that architecture is a product of Knowledge, Kinship and Kreative-processes by prioritizing Service Excellence. As the practice of architecture becomes more comprehensive and encompassing, MARK Associates provide a holistic design solution, to create architecture of excellence that enriches the human experience and spirit. To further deepen the critical understanding and appreciation of the profession, MARK Associates has been focusing on 6 architectural typologies to generate exploration and develop expertise in key design typologies – namely, Mixed Development; Retail; Residential; Hospitality; Office; and Master planning.
Read more >Design Intervention Indonesia is an emerging design and build company with extensive array of design and build portfolios ranging from residential to offices, architecture to interior designs (as seen from our portfolio). Our company was founded in 2011 by Ivan Wirasa Ersan and Harfhui Hoetama. With their extensive knowledge on architecture and interior design and built, the duo enters the Indonesian Design scene trying to push the boundaries of design while maintaining space effectiveness and incorporate clients aspirations and needs. Now we have two design directors and a project director, each with their own dedicated teams of junior architects and drafters to ensure our design quality and delivery time to its utmost maximum output.
Read more >Name : Letare Sitompul Location : Jakarta Phone number : +62 81210247556 other design : Instagram : letare.sitompul & cs_architect_studio
Read more >Didirikan pada tahun 2019 oleh Ir. Habib Musa Islamy Afghanie, S.Ars, kami adalah desainer arsitektur yang berorientasi pada estetika. Dalam tiga semester pertama, perusahaan kami berfokus hanya pada sektor desain, sampai kami mendapatkan kepercayaan di antara klien dan teman-teman kami yang membuat kami membangun asosiasi di berbagai bidang. Pada awalnya kami melayani di Bali, lalu berkembang ke Jakarta, sampai sekarang kami telah memperluas asosiasi untuk menyediakan layanan di seluruh Indonesia dan negara tetangga. Layanan kami juga tumbuh tidak hanya dalam mendesain, kami juga bertindak sebagai pembangun dan pengembang properti.
Read more >Hive Design & Build is an integrated architecture consultant and construction company base in Jakarta, Indonesia. Our service range is from design to handover in architecture and interior furniture. We began our commitment to build a prestige company in 2014, named PT. Jangkar Mandiri Propertindo. In early 2017, we decided to change our brand name. Why? We are trusted to reach out for more integrated and diversified services to our customers. We decided to go global based on a proven track record in constructing successful projects. We aim to build a reputation of delivering innovative solution in architecture and interior for residential, commercial, hotel, office building, warehouse, and property in general.
Read more >Kami menyediakan jasa arsitektur,berdiri sejak 2009 meliputi rancang dan bangun rumah tinggal ( khusus daerah bali ). Pengalaman arasye dalam bidang konstruksi memudahkan kami memetakan setiap item pekerjaan, mulai dari tahap pembuatan gambar kerja sampai pada tahap konstruksi atau aplikasi material pada bangunan. Konsep yang kami tawarkan dalam mendesain rumah atau property anda adalah kenyamanan yang sesuai dengan karakter pribadi anda dan keluarga hingga membuat seluruh keluarga Bahagia. Arasye mengusung Konsep bangunan hemat energi untuk Meminimalkan biaya biaya yang tidak diperlukan baik dalam masa pembangunan, dalam masa pemakain atau perawatan. Arasye mengunakan aplikasi ilustrasi 3D yang mendekati realita sebagai alat presentasi rancangan sehingga klien dapat memahami gambar dari setiap sudut ruang yang dirancang sebelum bangunan itu berdiri. Besar harapan kami bisa merancang rumah / propertu impian anda. Terima Kasih
Read more >PT Bangun Megah Asri, merupakan Perusahaan Jasa Desain dan Bangun yang berdiri sejak 2007. Menyediakan jasa pembuatan desain arsitektur, desain eksterior dan desain interior juga pembangunan serta pengadaannya sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan keinginan Anda
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