CV. Cipta Graha Mandiri adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa konstruksi, desain interior dan desain eksterior. Kami telah memiliki pengalaman yang cukup lama dan telah membangun banyak bangunan. Dengan prinsip utama kami adalah amanah, profesional dan berkualitas. Sehingga proyek yang dikerjakan dapat memenuhi target Tepat Mutu, Tepat Waktu dan Tepat Biaya.
Read more >I am Indonesian based architect with projects largely in exclusive reisdential projects both in Jakarta and Medan.
Read more >I am a founder Cubics Design Company, Cubics Design planner & builders, a Consultant & Contractor Company. If you need to build or renovation,you can call my team at : +62 819 2727 9232 & +62 822 1010 7808. If you want to see my portfolio before,you can visit to my Instagram account : cubicsdesign
Read more >Architecture Interior Workspace is a design brand that stems from a powerful love for design, whether it's architectural, interior, booth, or even sculptural. Before establishing AIW in 2019, Alfonsus Eranio has worked on a wide range of projects, from high-end residential projects in Jakarta, a high-end restaurant in Bogor, a Chinese restaurant in Neo Soho, a Western Restaurant in Office 8, a mixed-use building in Cempaka Putih and Manado, and a high-end apartment in South Jakarta is some of his career highlights working under the guidance of other national-level firms in Indonesia. After establishing the brand in early 2019, the firm has since gained a steady amount of projects, from small and conceptual projects to big scale projects, all designed with a meticulous amount of care and refreshing ideas in mind. The design process usually starts from client briefing, from which the designer will make a concept and quotation based on the briefs. If the client agreed, the 3D design process consultation will start. After the 3D design approval, the designer will work on the working drawings for the contractor's purposes.
Read more >Starting from the anxiety of the values of cultural virtue that is rarely considered again by the community and the belief that many great cultural values that can be extracted and applied back to the present, Hengky Pramudya,ST, IAI, & F. Aryo Widyatmiko,ST founded Bentara Indonesia Arsitek at 2010. New is not a taboo, but the romance of the past intellectual is valuable treasure for the future. That is why our design approach always be at its tip of cultural wisdom and a dialogue with the present to step in to the future. The dynamic dialectic of human beings with their environment that will shape the cultural relics in the course of our life. And so, we will always be in process on our journey and on our works. Stepping forward while always learning to look back from the culture of this great nation. Towards a developed nation with a solid cultural foundation. This is our anxiety, our calling to continue to work and develop. This is Bentara, Bedaya Nadir Arsitektur Nusantara.
Read more >Archipelago urban architecture and design division / "Archipelago" menawarkan jasa desain arsitektur, interior, lansekap, tata cahaya dan produk yang berkualitas. Dalam mendesain, kamimelakukan survey dan mempelajari karakter setiap proyek untuk memberikan nilai yang lebih dari sekedar "style" dan keindahan. Dengan memperhatikan nilai sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan ditambah dengan penggunaan teknologi terbaru dalam mendesain, kami menyelesaikan desain-desain yang sarat dengan detail di era perpaduan budaya, tuntutan kelestarian lingkungan alami dan pertumbuhan hidup di perkantoran eksotis budaya asia. Karya-karya Archipelago mencakup perancangan residensial privat, perumahan dan apartment, hotel, resort, perkantoran dan komersial. Bangunan rendah, sedang, dan tinggi.
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