Established in 2009, started from the small room in a house and now moving forward to big property company. Located in jalan meruya utara raya 3/9 west jakarta, zane propertindo specialized in industrial and commercial estate.Lead by Mrs. Ivonne I. Anggraini, which already has 18 years experience in Industrial estate, now spanning in interior designer business. Zane propetindo is not only as the marketing conceptor but also as the marketing development. Involves on architectural designer in every project and sells the product after that. When you choose zane propertindo, you are ready to get the best commitment of a property company. Vision : becoming the most trusted planning developmentMission : commitment to provide the bestMotto : great concept to exquisite creation
Read more >EVONIL Architeture Indonesia is a global award winning architecture and interior design & build, based in Jakarta, Indonesia. We are specialized in luxurious residential, office, F&B retail, and public design. We specialize in retail space, commercial space, luxurious home, office space, and landscape design.
Read more >We do Architecture, Interior and Building Construction with our best service & price Our mission to provide cost effective solutions with good quality design and services in every projects for the satisfaction and needs of the Client
Read more >Raaj Gill Arsitek is a private company officially established in 2014 in Jakarta, Indonesia. We are specialize in understanding modern and high-caliber solutions for architecture design services including interior design, landscape planning and construction. The firm’s emphasis on personal customer service is the cornerstone of our practice. We also develop our capabilities in the design of building facades and this makes us an architect firm that provides complete building design solutions. We provide a range of professional services, with the performance of our exceptional/outstanding team of experts who always pay extra attention to detail. With a “passion for excellence” expressed through design, Raaj Gill Arsitek prides itself on helping clients imagine projects that meet their needs and then turn those dreams into reality. In designing, we make dynamic, sometimes unconventional and unexpected design proposals that allow building to reflect its own personality, while remaining true to its core functions. We believe that proficient designs stand the test of time, and the building can be designed in modern day while still respecting their owners and their history, but also be of their time, re-energising contexts by creating a fresh sense of engagement. The building designed by Raaj Gill Arsitek reflect their clients not themselves; convey a distinct and meaningful sense of architectural continuity; a presence that draws on both historic and precedent and change. The principals of Raaj Gill Arsitek strive to instill the values of honesty, fairness, perseverance and trust in God in their business. Raaj Gill Arsitek is commited to improving and enriching the built and natural environment while meeting the specific needs of individual clients. Raaj Gill Arsitek is also commited to improving the personal of their staff to become experts in their field in order to continue serve clients in particular and society in general and provide high standard quality services. We have positioned ourselves as the choice for those who value quality, creativity, and distinction. The Raaj Gill Arsitek accent design and supervision procedure is based in rigorous research and experimentation. We work hand-in-hand with our clients on design strategy and involve them in every processes of development, because for us every project should be addressed as a special carefully considered response to our client’s needs, site and budget. Moreover, our objective in designing is to enrich experiences and provide an ideal modern-living environment.
Read more >Didirikan oleh Dea Rakasiwi dan Marinda Noor Fajrina. SAN+ lahir dari semangat untuk mewujudkan bangunan yang baik dengan biaya yang bertanggung jawab. Sampai saat ini Kami sudah menangani puluhan proyek di seluruh Indonesia. Kami dapat membantu Anda dalam pembuatan kebutuhan perancangan arsitektur, interior, dan supervisi. Segala kebutuhan Anda akan ditangani oleh Tim yang sangat kompeten, Tim yang berisikan orang-orang dengan dedikasi super dalam menghasilkan karya terbaik. Kepuasan Anda adalah apresiasi tertinggi bagi Kami. Mari kita wujudkan bersama properti impian Anda. Kami adalah teman diskusi yang mampu memberikan solusi dalam menghadapi berbagai tantangan pekerjaan yang menghadang. Kami adalah patner Anda.
Read more >Civil, Konstruksi baja,, Interior design , Plumbing, Electrical, Sprinkler dan alarm ,Air Conditioning, Neon Box, Pekerjaaan ACP ,Pengecatan, dan suplier
Read more >ARCH GRAPHIC adalah studio Perencana atau lebih tepat nya sebagai biro arsitek yang bertempat di jakarta indonesia. Serta memiliki pengalaman pekerjaan profesional dalam bidang perencanaan dan pelaksanaan, mulai dari rumah tinggal, interior, lanskap, MEP, sampai bangunan sosial dan komersial. Kami tergabung dalam team yang memiliki kreatifitas, jam kerja dan pengalaman yang tinggi dalam menghadapi berbagai jenis proyek dengan skala yang kecil maupun yang besar dan juga berbagai fungsi yang berbeda - beda. Sistem kerja Korporasi yang kami terapkan membuat Perusahaan kami selalu mampu menghadirkan Produk yang ter-standart kualitasnnya tanpa terkecuali. Kombinasi kreatifitas generasi Muda Millenial dengan Jam terbang teknis generasi yang lebih senior membuat kami mampu menghasilkan Desain yang Inovatif tanpa mengenyampingkan aspek Teknisnnya.
Read more >Inches Design is an interior design consultant and design management. We specialized in creating and managing design and build standardization for corporate. We believe that an advance society is drive by developing companies that surround them, therefore we dedicate ourselves to serve and help business entities that are eager to develop with more efficiency, faster and at lower cost by design and build standardization.
Read more >Monokroma adalah biro konsultan arsitektur yang berdiri sejak 2013. Didirikan oleh Ari Widio Prihananto sebagai prinsipal yang telah berpengalaman lebih dari 17 tahun sebagai arsitek, kami ingin menjadi mitra Anda dalam mewujudkan rumah / bangunan impian Anda. Kami percaya setiap project memiliki cerita yang dapat menjadikannya unik dan spesial. Kami terlatih untuk mendesain tempat yang nyaman untuk Anda tinggali, efisien dalam proses pembangunan dan pemeliharaannya, serta tentu saja memiliki tampilan yang estetis.
Read more >- Inti axindo utama adalah perusahaan keluarga yang bergerak dibidang jasa kontraktor, bangun dan renovasi rumah, interior, dan furniture custom yang berbasis di bintaro Tangerang Selatan. - Kami telah beroprasi sejak 2015 hingga sekarang, kami telah menangani beberapa proyek milik perorangan maupun perusahaan mulai dari skala keci hingga menegah dengan baik sehingga kami percaya bawha kami layak untuk Anda dalam menangani kebutuhan yang berkaitan dengan bidang arsitektur. - Kami memberikan garansi atas pekerjaaan yang telah kami kerjakan, jangka waktu garansi menyesuaikan dengan masing-masing lingkup pekerjaanya - Disamping tujuan kami untuk membangun usaha ini agar lebih berkembang, kepuasan dan kepercayaan anda adalah kunci untuk mewujudkan tujuan kami. - Kami siap membantu mewujudkan rencana bangunan dan ruangan impian Anda
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