Raaj Gill Arsitek is a private company officially established in 2014 in Jakarta, Indonesia. We are specialize in understanding modern and high-caliber solutions for architecture design services including interior design, landscape planning and construction. The firm’s emphasis on personal customer service is the cornerstone of our practice. We also develop our capabilities in the design of building facades and this makes us an architect firm that provides complete building design solutions. We provide a range of professional services, with the performance of our exceptional/outstanding team of experts who always pay extra attention to detail. With a “passion for excellence” expressed through design, Raaj Gill Arsitek prides itself on helping clients imagine projects that meet their needs and then turn those dreams into reality. In designing, we make dynamic, sometimes unconventional and unexpected design proposals that allow building to reflect its own personality, while remaining true to its core functions. We believe that proficient designs stand the test of time, and the building can be designed in modern day while still respecting their owners and their history, but also be of their time, re-energising contexts by creating a fresh sense of engagement. The building designed by Raaj Gill Arsitek reflect their clients not themselves; convey a distinct and meaningful sense of architectural continuity; a presence that draws on both historic and precedent and change. The principals of Raaj Gill Arsitek strive to instill the values of honesty, fairness, perseverance and trust in God in their business. Raaj Gill Arsitek is commited to improving and enriching the built and natural environment while meeting the specific needs of individual clients. Raaj Gill Arsitek is also commited to improving the personal of their staff to become experts in their field in order to continue serve clients in particular and society in general and provide high standard quality services. We have positioned ourselves as the choice for those who value quality, creativity, and distinction. The Raaj Gill Arsitek accent design and supervision procedure is based in rigorous research and experimentation. We work hand-in-hand with our clients on design strategy and involve them in every processes of development, because for us every project should be addressed as a special carefully considered response to our client’s needs, site and budget. Moreover, our objective in designing is to enrich experiences and provide an ideal modern-living environment.
Read more >Anjarsitek merupakan biro jasa Arsitektur dan Interior yang melayani desain perencanaan Arsitektur dan Interior dari bangunan rumah tinggal hingga komersial/retail Kami membantu klien memaksimalkan efektivitas bangunan dengan menekankan pada perencanaan dan penciptaan ruang optimal. Kami menawarkan desain inovatif yang memungkinkan kita dapat menikmati bangunan dan ruangan dengan lebih nyaman, efisien, dan aman; yang kesemuanya dalam lingkungan yang memuaskan secara estetis.
Read more >Co+in Collaborative Lab is a boutique-sized Interior Architecture firm based in Jakarta, Indonesia, one that helps to create an experience that goes beyond form and material within the field of residential and commercial design. Our aim is to evoke the senses of every spatial related form, forge a deeper connection between end-user and the built environment Our practice root in exploration and research, to create authenticity and curated design that caters the essence of individuals or brand
Read more >MahaStudio is a Jakarta based architecture studio. MahaStudio focuses on architecture and design at medium levels and scales. It also offers integrated design for the architectural, interior, and build. MahaStudio believes that architecture relates to contemporer, social and local cultures, which act as a basic for design creating process with the new contemporary solving. We combine innovative thinking and efficient solution as a new unique concept and evolve through the particular characteristics of each project.In our perspective, we see ourselves as a partner for client rather than architecture consultant. In that way, we believe there is always a new creative thought flowing from both partners. Achievement : - Participated Workshop Ami “Ruang Tinggal Dalam Kota” 2009 - 1st Winner Sayembara “Hunian Dengan Tema Penerapan Unsur Lokal Dan Modern” 2010 - Big 20 Sayembara Tabloid Rumah “Rumah Aman Gempa” 2010 - Winner “Dulux Young Talent Design Competition” 2010 - 2nd Winner “Integrated Education Space For Urban Children” 2011 - 18th Sayembara “Eco House” 2011 - Top 10 Kare Design Kontest “Storage” 2012 - 2nd Winner “Design Inovation Competition” 2015 - Best Design "Dulux Designer Award - Professional Category" 2017 Publication : - 20 Desain Rumah Kokoh Aman Gempa - 2011 (Wheels House) - IDEA Magazine – edisi November 2011 (Grass Land Library) - Renovasi Magazine – edisi Juli 2012 (Rumah di Lahan Sudut) - Rumah Tropis Indonesia – 2012 (Rumah Sehat) - Dulux Let`s Color – Redecorate Segment (Metro TV) - Laras Magazine Juni 2016 (Masjid Permata Qolbu) - Koran Tempo Januari 2018 (SoHo 2 Become 1)
Read more >Main area of our business is architectural and interior designs. We design different scales projects and for different uses - houses and apartments, as well commercial space, such as retail shops, restaurant, etc. We commit to understanding each clients individual requirement and provide a design solution to the client that everyone is happy with. We believe that a good design has to be not only well-presented through images rendering, but also care profoundly about the small details, material selection, technical knowledge and quality control.
Read more >Yokan Design, kami menyediakan jasa desain interior, arsitektur, jasa bangun dan renovasi rumah, apartemen Anda. Dengan pengalaman lebih dari 5 tahun dalam dunia konstruksi dan manajemen proyek kami siap memberikan pelayanan terbaik dengan cakupan wilayah Jabodetabek bahkan seluruh Indonesia. Kepuasan klien adalah orientasi bekerja kami. Lingkup Kerja kami mencakup: Desain Interior | Desain Rumah | Renovasi Rumah | Desain dan Bangun Kitchen, Living Room, Kamar Tidur, dsb | Custom Build Furniture
Read more >Numeral Pixel merupakan studio yang bergerak di bidang Desain Arsitektur dan Desain Interior yang berdomisili di Kota Bandung, Indonesia. Dengan berprinsip pada profesionalisme juga tanggung jawab, kami mengutamakan kepuasan dan kenyamanan dengan merealisasikan apa yang Anda butuhkan. cek instagram Numeral di @numeral.pixel
Read more >ARCHTICON Merupakan perusahaan design and build untuk project low - mid rise building seperti rumah/ruko/bangunan dibawah 10 lantai. ARCHTICON berpengalaman dalam membangun bangunan-bangunan tersebut termasuk interior khususnya wilayah Jabodetabek. Berawal dari didirikannya STUDIO ARCHITECT yang bergerak di bidang jasa konsultan Perencanaan, kemudian berkembang menjadi perusahaan design and build berkat dukungan kerja sama tim dan tenaga profesional. yang memiliki pengalaman lebih dari 10 Tahun dan memiliki sertifikat keahlian di bidang konstruksi. Hingga saat ini ARCHTICON bekerjasama dengan beberapa mitra untuk menjawab kebutuhan sipil bangunan, dimana ARCHTICON selalu mengedepankan kepuasan client dalam mewujudkan mimpi mengenai rencana rumah tinggal atau tempat usaha yang diinginkan.
Read more >Kami merupakan biro konsultan perencana arsitektur yang terintegrasi dengan perencana struktur dan mekanikal elektrikal dalam satu paket kerja yang memberi kemudahan dalam hal interaksi kerja antar disiplin ilmu yang lebih efisien. Sehingga memberi output dalam hal efisiensi dan efektifitas pola dan waktu kerja dalam menyelesaikan sebuah proyek. Kami sangat berpengalaman dalam interaksi perencanaan dan implementasi kerja dilapangan, karena pekerjaan perencanaan dan konstruksi memerlukan skill dan pengalaman yang memadai untuk menghasilkan sebuah karya arsitektur.
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