Starting from the anxiety of the values of cultural virtue that is rarely considered again by the community and the belief that many great cultural values that can be extracted and applied back to the present, Ar. Hengky Pramudya,ST, IAI, founded p r a m u d y a at 2020.New is not a taboo, but the romance of the past intellectual is a valuable treasure for the future. That is why our design approach always be at its tip of cultural wisdom and a dialogue with the present to step in to the future. The dynamic dialectic of human beings with their environment that will shape the cultural relics in the course of our life. And so, we will always be in process on our journey, and on our works.Stepping forward while always learning to look back from the culture of this great nation. Towards a developed nation with a solid cultural foundation. This is our anxiety, our calling to continue to work and develop.
Read more >PROFILE : Architectural planning and interior design are not just about fulfilling human needs, but an aesthetic in art as a form of solving these problems. I believe that the planning and design that I make is an authentic work of art that can meet the needs of every client.The philosophy that I adopt is a dynamics contemporary design. which, the unity of space, the dynamics of space, and the composition of space are the keys to the style that I adopt . SCOPE OF WORK : Architecture Planning | Interior Design | Consulting | 3D Artist . HISTORY : [ 2015-2017 Nameless ] [ 2017-2021 ] [ 2021-NOW Imm+ Associates ] . #immassociatesid #differentsense
Read more >Founded in 2017, ARBATRA is collaborative network of architecture practice based in Jakarta. ARBATRA provides Architectural Design, Interior, Master Planning, and construction with innovative and unique concept. Focuses on sustainability is our foundation in works with an aesthetic touch.
Read more >Tukang Arsitek adalah konsultan Arsitek sekaligus merangkap sebagai Kontraktor yang berdiri sejak tahun 2015 di Tangerang. Di dirikan oleh : Edi Turun Saputra yang telah berpengalaman lebih dari 10 tahun di bidang Perencanaan Arsitektur dan Pelaksanaan Pembangunan. Kami ingin menjadi mitra anda dalam mewujudkan rumah/tempat tinggal impian, baik dari segi Perencanaan atau Pelaksanaan pembangunan. Kami percaya setiap Project memiliki cerita tersendiri yang menjadikan kami pembelajaran untuk terus maju dan berkembang. Kami terlatih untuk Perencanaan dan Pelaksanaan yang tidak semata-mata mengedepankan Estetis saja tapi juga, Nyaman untuk tinggal, efisien dalam pemeliharaan dan Proses Pembangunannya. Lingkup jasa yang kami tawarkan : 1. Perencanaan Desain Arsitektur | Desain Interior | Perhitungan Anggaran Biaya 2. Pelaksanaan Bangun Baru | Renovasi [Rumah, Kantor, Ruko, Apartemen]
Read more >Established in 2013, Anantara that consist of 3 division design project, Architectural, Interior design, and Contructions. Motto : "build with coffee"
Read more >Herru - Arsitek & Kontraktor adalah perusahaan perseorangan yang bergerak dibidang general kontraktor yang sudah berpengalaman selama 26 tahun di Renovasi Rumah pribadi, Pembangunan Perumahan, Perkantoran serta pabrik dan gudang, Baik Sipil maupun Interior
Read more >Perusahaan ini bergerak dibidang interior dan kontraktor sejak tahun 2016 tetapi dengan nama yang berbeda dan perusahaan yang berbeda juga, Pada tahun 2019 CV. Kreasi Seni Bangsa ini didirikan dengan nama “SECTIONS”, landasan pendirian perusahaan ini yaitu semangat, komitment, saling percaya, ide yang bulat dari para pendiri perusahaan untuk mewujudkan visi dan misi bersama. Visi :" To be the most interesting, different and extraordinary interior design and architectural company in indonesia" Misi :"Create an extraordinary works, starting a new trends in interiors and architectural field trough innovation, while providing the best service to clients, in competency and reliableness
Read more >Rumah Berkat Sejahtera (RBS) adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang pembangunan konstruksi kelas medium seperti rumah tinggal, ruko, rukan, rumah ibadah, pergudangan; interior furniture seperti untuk perkantoran, showroom, retail, resto, cafe; maupun infrastruktur seperti jalan dalam kawasan industri & perumahan; serta maintenance/perawatan & renovasi. RBS juga memiliki divisi Building Material yang menyediakan Atap tipe Corrugatted Roof (galvalum/aluzinc/u-pvc/fiberglass), , serta produk fiberglass untuk kebutuhan WTP&STP. Dengan tim SDM yang berpengalaman lebih dari 15 tahun di dunia konstruksi, kami mengerti bagaimana mewujudkan keinginan dan desain dari customer dengan budget kompetitif, sesuai tenggat waktu yang disepakati. RBS-Building Solution Konstruksi Sipil-Baja, Arsitektur, Furnitur-Interior, Design&Build, Renovasi-Maintenance, Contractor & Building Materials.
Read more >Despaceign is architecture and interior firm, created by Dinda Baki since 2016. This studio has completed retail projects and residential concept mostly in Jakarta area. We are running the project starts from the design concept until the design is built.
Read more >VIRR studio is an architecture, interior design, and furniture workshop based in Jakarta and Tangerang, Indonesia. VIRR studio has 5+ years of experience with Interior Design and Build Project, and 15+ years of craftsmen experience at our workshop and building sites. Its portfolio ranges from small to medium scale projects such as retails, commercials, residential, and offices. It aims to create a meaningful, unique, and affordable space for everyone.
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