ATA. Studio is an architecture design studio based on Jakarta, Indonesia. We believe in making something good does not always have to be complicated and expensive. To create a good design is not only seen from the form and the physical course, but must have a soul and atmosphere that can make comfortable people who use it. Inspired by the love of architecture and design, we develop our ideas based on our client's wants, needs, and dreams.
We also provide interior and furniture design solutions for residential, apartments, private and commercial spaces.
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Rumah tinggal| desain interior| interior| furniture| Residensial| commercial| desain arsitektur| desain| architecture| architecture design| interior design
Lingkup lokasi pelayanan
Jakarta | Jakarta Selatan | Jakarta Barat | Jakarta Pusat | Jakarta Timur | Jakarta Utara | Tangerang | Jl. Jalur Sutera No.17 | Kec. Serpong | Sertifikasi