KAD Firma Arsitektur is a Digital Architecture Consultant in Bandung, West Java - Indonesia. KAD is determined to be one of many solution for a human needs in the field of activity space that increasing the happiness based on innovation and creativity.
Our Design use BIM (Building Information Modeling), so you can overview and exploration the building design (exterior & interior) with your mobile device (handphone or tablet).
Show more >Lingkup jasa yang ditawarkan
arsitektur| landscape| design interior
Lingkup lokasi pelayanan
Bandung | Jakarta | Kabupaten Karawang | Kabupaten Indramayu | Bogor | Tangerang | Kabupaten Garut | Lampung | Batam | Bukittinggi | Bali | Yogyakarta | Surabaya | Semarang | Sertifikasi