Daftar Home Improvement Profesional di Bandung Barat untuk bangun maupun renovasi rumah Anda.

arkitekt.id di Bandung Barat
arkitekt.id di Bandung Barat
arkitekt.id di Bandung Barat
arkitekt.id di Bandung Barat
Jalan Rajawali Sakti No. 11
4 Proyek Terbangun

Your personal house planner. We are neither swayed by trends nor style forecast, looking instead to the individual client as muse.

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 di Bandung Barat
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RAKTA STUDIO di Bandung Barat
RAKTA STUDIO di Bandung Barat
RAKTA STUDIO di Bandung Barat
RAKTA STUDIO di Bandung Barat
Jalan Karang Tengah Barat No. 15 A
3 Proyek Terbangun

Rakta Studio is a full-service architecture firm based in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia that is committed to excellence in custom architecture and design. Trividor Apriadi Saputro ( known as Vidor Saputro ) as a principal architect has spent over 17 years in the architecture profession continuously pursuing excellent design.  Vidor Saputro and Rakta Studio team have a strong passion to create a simple refined modern and contemporary aesthetic design.  Rakta Studio combines modern - tropical design that leads design process and end product that are aesthetically and intellectually severe as well as financially informed. Careful attention to details of assembly and construction, the utilization of local characteristics of environment and light, and the high-level craft of materials and geometry activate Rakta Studio projects as uniquely impactful environments. The result is an architecture that is current but timeless, serene yet warm, and uniquely reflective of the values and characters of our clients.  

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 di Bandung Barat
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Wastu Cipta Parama di Bandung Barat
Wastu Cipta Parama di Bandung Barat
Wastu Cipta Parama di Bandung Barat
Wastu Cipta Parama di Bandung Barat
Wastu Cipta Parama
Jl. Neglasari Dalam
2 Proyek Terbangun

The wastu spirit is a spirit of seeking and spirit of building identity. Wastu Cipta Parama's inspiration comes from a will to be dynamically changing, to create designs with character which would be a signature for its time and place. Built in 1993 in Bandung by Alexander Iskandar Santoso (Dept. of Architecture UNPAR'85) we provide services focusing on Architectural and interior designs. We design wide range of building types such as residential to commercial buildings, private to public buildings.

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 di Bandung Barat
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Ectic Interior Design & Build di Bandung Barat
Ectic Interior Design & Build
Jl. Pasirlayung Barat 1 No. 409 A Bandung - Indonesia
1 Proyek Terbangun

we are a professional interior designer, i have skill in high 3D max, autocad. also my profesion is furniture contractor   Ectic Interior is a studio office which is focusing in interior design room which established in 2009. For that several years, we were involved form interior design concept, 3D Visualisation and make construction . We Believe every space has its own compelling things to tell. Design is not just solution but also an identity that differentiates every Person / Space / Project   || Interior Design & Build  || Furnishing  || Design Visualization  || Contractor  For Inquiries : + 6282119325564 Visi   "Our Priority is client's satisfy and best quality"  

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 di Bandung Barat
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Lokajaya Design and Build di Bandung Barat
Lokajaya Design and Build di Bandung Barat
Lokajaya Design and Build di Bandung Barat
Lokajaya Design and Build di Bandung Barat
Lokajaya Design and Build
Jl. Pasir Impun
1 Proyek Terbangun

Lokajaya D&B merupakan Biro Design and Build untuk pekerjaan Arsitektur dan Interior. Ketertarikan kami pada dunia desain dan juga aplikasinya didasari oleh latar belakang kami dari bidang akademik juga pengalaman di lapangan. Desain dan Pelaksanaan yang meliputi residensial baik eksterior maupun interior, retail, dan juga landscape menjadi hal yang kami minati. Semoga kami dapat membantu klien dari mulai tahapan konsultasi, desain hingga pelaksanaan.

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 di Bandung Barat
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Qavah Architect di Bandung Barat
Qavah Architect di Bandung Barat
Qavah Architect di Bandung Barat
Qavah Architect di Bandung Barat
Qavah Architect
Jl. Mengger Girang
1 Proyek Terbangun

Qavah Architect mengedepankan efisensi dan efektivitas design dalam perancangan dengan sentuhan sesuai dengan konsep penggunaan tempat dan konteksnya

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 di Bandung Barat
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Inti Semesta Konstruksi di Bandung Barat
Inti Semesta Konstruksi di Bandung Barat
Inti Semesta Konstruksi di Bandung Barat
Inti Semesta Konstruksi di Bandung Barat
Inti Semesta Konstruksi
Jl. Wukir No. 264 Temas Kota Batu Malang Jawa Timur
1 Proyek Terbangun

Kami Adalah Perusahaan jasa konstruksi yang sudah mempunyai banyak pengalaman, baik dalam bidang design maupun pembangunan fisik bangunan.

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 di Bandung Barat
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erwin kusuma di Bandung Barat
erwin kusuma di Bandung Barat
erwin kusuma di Bandung Barat
erwin kusuma di Bandung Barat
erwin kusuma
Parahyangan Rumah Villa B-66
1 Proyek Terbangun

e.Re studio was formed in 2011 by an architect couple, Erwin Kusuma and Regina Winarni, with years of experience in Singapore doing luxurious residential projects as foundation. Today we have evolved into a design studio based in Bandung, Indonesia, with architectural and interior projects in Jakarta, Bandung, and Bali. We are not driven by design “style”. Our work is characterised by projects that respect the essential features of nature, materials and spaces, to integrate unique aesthetics with practical functionalism. We believe that design emerges from collaborative approach with the clients, which explores different disciplines that come together to create long lasting, timeless design. At e.Re studio, we are committed to providing personalised services of high quality design that responds to the environment and aspirations of our clients.

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 di Bandung Barat
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PT. Urbane Indonesia di Bandung Barat
PT. Urbane Indonesia
Cigadung Raya Barat No. 5 Cipaheut
1 Proyek Terbangun

Our Profile urbane Indonesia is an architri ture, interior design. planning and community development consultant firm based in Bandung. UI was founded on June 20o4 in Bandung by M. Ridwan Kamil (an International Young Design Entrepreneur of the Year YDEY award recipients from British Council Indonesia in 2006) with his partners Achmad D. Tardiyana. Nurtjahja and Irvan P. Darwis. We have established an international reputation by doing some overseas project su as syria Al-Noor Ecopolis in syria and Changchun Financial District in China. urbane Indonesia's team consists of young professionals with creative and idealistic minds to look for and create solutions for environment and urban design problem. Urbane also has a community project in urbane community projects with a vision and mission to help people in an urban community to have donation access and skills to upgrade their neighborhood

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 di Bandung Barat
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DinardiThen Studio di Bandung Barat
DinardiThen Studio
Jl. Alamanda 3 No.1
1 Proyek Terbangun

Architect and Interior Designer based on Bandung

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 di Bandung Barat
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Wujudkan Hunian Impian dengan Jasa Arsitek di Bandung Barat.

Temukan jasa arsitek, jasa interior, jasa kontraktor, dan jasa renovasi di Bandung Barat dan sekitarnya.