Founded at 2014, our company is registered as PT. DAA Interplan Indonesia, in 2020 we rebrand to Interplan Nuur Indonesia. Our practice offers client for consultation services and planning problem solution with integrated design for building. Our Company consist of creative and innovative thinking member and dedication of problem solving of design problem.
Read more >Dimas Andrea is a member of IAI (Ikatan Arsitek Indonesia), Reg No : 15065 142 100 Dimas was born in Bogor, Indonesia in 1980. He studied Architecture in The Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung ‐ Indonesia, graduated with Bachelor of Architecture in 2004. Dimas joined Ong&Ong as Designer (Architecture) in 2007. He was involved on various types of projects, including residential, highrise, commercial and infrastructure projects. His residential portfolio included Meadows@Peirce Condominium in 2007. In 2012 He was promoted to be a Senior Designer (Architecture). Prior to his working experience in Singapore, he worked in Budi Pradono Architects in Jakarta, Indonesia in 2005 where he focused on residential building design, hospitality projects and international design competitions. He worked closely with the principal Architect for the design of Payangan Ubud Villa and Restaurant in Bali‐Indonesia, and the refurbishment of a historical shop house in Braga Street, Bandung ‐ Indonesia.
Read more >Kami menerima jasa desain arsitek serta konstruksi untuk Gedung Rumah, Ruko, Cafe, Musholla dan Masjid. menggunakan arsitek terbaik kami dan tenaga ahli konstruksi yang berkompeten di bidangnya, kami menerima Desain, Quantity Survey, dan Konstruksi dari Struktut hingga MEP
Read more >I am from Trisakti University, Bachelor of fine arts and design, my work experience has been more than 4 years, my current work interior design consultan
Read more >Iswandi Adam Takbir memiliki minat, impian & kegemeran dalam dunia arsitektur maupun interior, dibantu 1 Kawan Kamal Bahri yang memiliki bakat disegala bidang seni terbentuklah Adamt & Partners Architects Tahun 2018
Read more >RAP & PARTNERS ARCHITECT dibentuk pada pertengahan tahun 2018. Seiring dengan pengalaman yang dimiliki, kami mulai mengerjakan beberapa project yang bervariasi, hal ini didukung dengan kepercayaan yang diberikan klien kepada kami. Dengan berbekal jajaran staf professional yang menyandang sertifikat keahlian diberbagai bidang keahlian jasa konstruksi, bertanggung jawab, mengedepankan pada kualitas pelayanan, waktu dan biaya yang terencana, maka kami mampu menghadapi dan menjawab tantangan konstruksi. RAP & PARTNERS ARCHITECT merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa konsultasi, yang meliputi : Perencanaan, Pembangunan, Studi Kelayakan, dan Pengurusan Izin Mendirikan Bangunan
Read more >23X03 Arch Studio is Studio Design Consultant, we provide architectural services such as Interior and Eksterior Design, Design and Built for Residentials, Retails, Office, etc.
Read more >We are a Jakarta based consultan with a youthfull passion and young ambition to design not only a bulding or a space, but what we is design your dream feel free to have your beyond imagination property and we will help to make it come true. Visit Our website portofolio for more information.
Read more >KARANI are a multidisiplinary architecture & interior studio that consist a conceptual process, space planning, material selection, site supervision and interior production. KARANI believe that the architecture design is inseparable from the bond between the building and the environment condition. We emphasize environmental issues as a reference in the design process in order to create a quality architectural design and function as part of everyday human life. Our work always follows clients' needs, listens to their problems and unites vision to seek solutions through architectural design. KARANI also believe that the architectural design should depict the character of the owner of the building as a form of the unity of the soul between the building and the human who lives in it. We look forward to every opportunity to work with you and realize what you dream into a real and perceived design.
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