Atelier BAOU is an architecture and interior design studio based in Tangerang, Indonesia. It was founded in 2017 by enthusiastic young architects. Atelier BAOU always give special design with innovative , simple, and contemporary to contribute Indonesian architecture. We welcome client input at all stages of a project. As a studio, we are quickly and decisively responsive to our clients, flexibly adjusting our processes to suit each client and project. We design to build comfort and better building design. Forms and spaces are no mere objective, they are developed from the processes, demands and cultural contexts of each project. We consider our client service to include not only design excellence, but also the successful, efficient and good delivery of completed projects. We partner with our clients throughout the full design and construction process, ensuring the client experience is as best as possible.
Read more >CO Associates is a multi-disciplinary design practice established in 2015 and passion in wide range projects from interior, architecture to urban design. We realized that designing is more than just a form or physical matters, but the atmosphere and soul of the space become more important to create a better place and environment to enhance the living experience for people contextually. We value collaboration works, because we believe it will enrich the ideas and enlarge the opportunities to step forward together.
Read more >A simple story about Samitrayasa's meaning reveals the characteristic "friendship" philosophy behind the Jakarta-based triumvirate of young architects. We are keen on doing something utopian yet realistic in design, as if the architecture is not just a form and its function, but the manifestation from man's perpetual idea In creating new experience, expression and impression towards the space. -
Read more >Saya merupakan Sarjana Teknik Arsitektur dari Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung. Saya memiliki pengalaman dalam desain arsitektur, interior, estimator, Site engineer, Manager Oprasional dan Project Manager. Saya memiliki ketertarikan dalam memimpin pekerjaan proyek, saya menikmati ketika Menjadi pemimpin dalam proses perencanaan dan pelaksanaan proyek, Mengkoordinir pihak-pihak yang terlibat dalam pembagian tugas dan tanggung jawab dalam menyelesaikan proyek. saya sangat terbuka dengan pengetahuan baru dan sudut pandang baru. Saya memiliki kepribadian yang tenang serta teliti dan menikmati setiap proses pekerjaan yang dilakukan, baik bekerja secara individu maupu bekerja secara tim
Read more >Graduated from Institut Teknologi Bandung in 1999, he then, together with a college friend, established an architecture design studio. Yu Sing has always been actively joining in various architectural competitions, which many of them he won. And since, he got frequently invited to give public lectures, seminars and workshops by architecture colleges in Indonesia. In 2008, answering his life long search for meanings, Yu Sing established akanoma, an independent architecture design studio that provides affordable designs for the middle and lower income families. He has also continuously been working with young apprentices and students catering the dream of middle-lower income families to have their own architect-designd houses. By the year 2009, Yu Sing published ‘Mimpi Rumah Murah’, a book of affordable houses. Akanoma itself has four main design philosophy: 1. Put forth architecture for all 2. Bring traditional architecture forward 3. Build nature-culture-economy-architecture interdependency 4. Promote eco-tourism along the local Yu Sing was born in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia in 1976. He graduated from Institut Teknologi Bandung in 1999, majoring Architecture Engineering. On that same year he began his career as an Architect by, along with a coleague, establishing Studio Genesis. Then, in 2008, he establish his own independent Architecture Studio called Akanoma (abbreviation of akar anomali; translated as “root of anomaly”). Akar anomali emphasize the studio’s commitment to constantly rooted in Indonesian context of cultures, potentials, and issues. Yu Sing believes that Architecture is not a priviledge of the rich, instead Architecture should be able to immensely serve all social layers. Therefore, Sudio Akanoma commenced design for affordable houses, with a relatively lower design fee, so that the middle and lower income people may benefit a well-designed house. While being a dinamic architect, Yu Sing actively writes in blogs and prints. And, in 2009, he published the book “Mimpi Rumah Murah”. He has also given many workshops and seminars in many Indonesian cities (s.a. Bandung, Yogyakarta, Pontianak, Banjarmasin, Lampung, Aceh), engaging students and young architects to cater architecture for all. Moreover, Yu Sing is open for public discussion through his blog, email and other social media accounts. In 2012, working with Prima Rusdi and Mandy Marahimin, via crowdfunding, he initiated a phylantropic project “Papan untuk Semua” which works in people’s housing and public spaces reaching out to low income society. Presented Architecture Workshops: 1. Affordable Houses Design Workshop and Guest Lecture on Socializing Architecture, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, 21-22 October 2009 2. Architecture Course: Public Space Development in Urban Village (West Pamulang), Institut Teknologi Indonesia, 3-5 June 2011 3. MAAN Mentok Tin Mining City: ‘Exile’ City as a Process Towards Unique and Specific Ecotourism, Mentok, Bangka Island, 20-28 July 2011 4. Joint Design Studi Indonesia-Japan 2011, Design Intervetion for Sensible High Density Urban Kampung of Megacities, Department of Architecture Faculty of Engineering University of Indonesia, Research Institute of Humanity and Nature (RIHN) Kyoto, Chiba University, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo University of Science, 08-18 September 2011. As member of Architecture Competition’s board of jury: 1. Sayembara Rumah Rakyat 2009, Studio Habitat Indonesia, 2009. 2. Sayembara Penataan Kampung Pinggir Kali Brantas, Malang, East Java area Architecture Students, 2010. 3. Sayembara Rumah Murah Sehat, Rumah Ide Series and Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2010. 4. Sayembara Desain Rumah Tinggal di Kampung Kota, “Housing Solution for a Better Living at Pademangan”, Universitas Trisakti, 2010. 5. Sayembara Balai Pekumpulan Warga Kampung Layur, Semarang, Universitas Katolik Soegiyapranata, Semarang, 2011. 6. Sayembara Rumah Tropis Nusantara di Kampung Kota, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, 2011. 7. Laras Award 2011 (in absentia). 8. Sayembara Penataan Pedagang Kaki Lima di Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Jawa Barat, Bandung, Universitas Parahyangan, 2015. Awards: 2016. · Green Leadership Award from BCI Asia; work: Environmental Center Ocean Of Life Indonesia, Watu Kodok, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. 2015. · 3rd Place, Citation Of Excellent Architectural Design Reflecting East Asian Identity; work: Wikasatrian (Wika Leadership Center) · Winner, Holcim Awards Indonesia 2015 for Sustainable Construction; work: Ocean Of Life Indonesia, Watu Kodok, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. · 2nd Place, Propan Desa Wisata Nusantara Competition; work: strategy concept for Desa Wisata Sembalun Lawang, Lombok, NTB. · Tempo Property Award (Hunian Ramah Lingkungan) 2015; works: Taman Tengah Griya Mitra Insani 2 Complex, Cibubur; Puzzle House, West Jakarta; Stilts House, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta. 2012 · Winner, Closed Competition (invitee) Wikasatrian (Wika Leadership Center), Pasir Angin, Gadog, Bogor. 2011. · 4th Place, Orangutan Research Station Design Competition, West Kalimantan 2010. · 3rd Place, FuturArc Prize 2010 International Competition (A Prototype for Ecological Living): Oasis Social Housing. 2009. · Winner, Holcim Award Indonesia 2009 for sustainable Construction; work: Caringin Family ‘Village’ Improvement. · Winner, Center of Academic Building Design Competition, Universitas Negeri Makassar; work: Menara Phinisi. · Winner, no-reward competition (; work: co-Housing: 1 house for 4 middle class families. 2008. · 5th Place, Universitas Gajahmada Academic Hospital Design Competition, Yogyakarta. · 3rd Place, Indogress Façade and Interior Design Competition, Tangerang. 2007. · Finalist, closed competition of BPK Penabur International School, Banda, Bandung. · 6th Place, Borobudur Park Design Competition, Jakarta; team: Oky Kusprianto · Winner, Jakarta Design Center Façade Design Competition. · Top 10, Rumah Ide façade Competition. 2006. · 3rd Place, Taman Rakyat Cimahi Design Competition 2004. · Winner, closed competition BPK Penabur International School, Bahureksa, Bandung. · 2nd Place, competition BPK Penabur International School, Singgasana Pradana, Bandung. 1999. · Winner, closed competition Gereja Kristen Indonesia Anugerah, Bandung; team: Yohan Tirtawijaya, Herjagus Kurnia, Anton Jo. Yu Sing memberikan bengkel kerja/workshop arsitektur sebagai berikut: 1. bengkel kerja desain rumah murah & kuliah tamu memasyarakatkan arsitektur, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, 21-22 oktober 2009. 2. les arsitektur pengembangan ruang publik dalam kampung kota [pamulang barat], Institut Teknologi Indonesia, 3-5 juni 2011. 3. mAAN mentok tin mining city: ‘exile’ city as a process towards unique & specific ecotourism, mentok, pulau bangka, 20-28 july 2011. 4. Joint design studio indonesia-japan 2011, design intervention for sensible high density urban kampung of megacities,Department of Architecture Faculty of Engineering University of Indonesia, Research Institute of Humanity and Nature (RIHN) Kyoto, Chiba University, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo University of Science, 08-18 September 2011. Selain itu, yu sing juga menjadi juri beberapa sayembara desain arsitektur yang berhubungan dengan rumah murah dan perbaikan kampung sebagai berikut: 1. Juri sayembara rumah rakyat 2009, studio habitat indonesia, 2009. 2. Juri sayembara penataan kampung pinggir kali brantas malang, mahasiswa arsitektur rayon jawa timur, 2010. 3. Juri sayembara rumah murah sehat, seri rumah ide & gramedia pustaka utama, 2010. 4. Juri sayembara desain rumah tinggal di kampung kota ‘housing solution for a better living at pademangan’, universitas trisakti, 2010. 5. Juri sayembara balai perkumpulan warga kampung layur semarang, universitas katolik soegiyapranata semarang, 2011. 6. sayembara rumah tropis nusantara di kampung kota, universitas brawijaya malang, 2011. 7. Juri laras award 2012 (in absentia). 8. Juri sayembara penataan pedagang kaki lima di monumen perjuangan jawa barat bandung, universitas parahyangan, 2015. Penghargaan 2016 · Pemenang penghargaan internasional Green Leadership Award dari BCI Asia untuk karya rumah belajar lingkungan ocean of life indonesia, watu kodok, gunung kidul, yogyakarta. 2015 · Pemenang 3 Citation Of Excellent Architectural Design Reflecting East Asian Identity untuk karya wikasatrian (wika leadership centre).
Read more >Suba-arch adalah biro Konsultan Arsitek yang Fokus mengerjakan perencanaan hunian dan bangunan komersial sederhana baik bangun baru atau renovasi. Pendekatan desain Suba-arch mengacu pada pemahaman mendalam mengenai Keseimbangan antara kebutuhan manusia dan lingkungannya. Kami berkomitmen untuk menghasilkan perencanaan sesuai standard kenyamanan, kekokohan, estetika dan sustainabilitas.Desain yang biasa kami kerjakan : Rumah pribadi, Rumah mewah, Perumahan, Villa, Kosan, kontrakan, Ruko, Retail, Coworking space, Kampus, masjid, dll. Mulai dari style modern, minimalis, classic, industrial, kontemporer, ekletik, hingga Custom sesuai permintaan. Suba-arch memiliki prinsip untuk menjadi perusahaan yang Religus secara culture, Quality secara produk & SDM dan Minimalist atau efisien dalam manajemen. Kami berpikir bahwa kompetisi terbaik adalah kompetisi dengan diri kami sendiri untuk dapat menjadi terbaik versi diri kita sendiri. Bersama dengan team yang solid dan saling melengkapi, SUBA-Arch optimis untuk memberikan jasa perencanaan berkualitas baik secara offline maupun online di Indonesia demi membangun indonesia lebih baik.
Read more >Kami menyediakan jasa arsitektur,berdiri sejak 2009 meliputi rancang dan bangun rumah tinggal ( khusus daerah bali ). Pengalaman arasye dalam bidang konstruksi memudahkan kami memetakan setiap item pekerjaan, mulai dari tahap pembuatan gambar kerja sampai pada tahap konstruksi atau aplikasi material pada bangunan. Konsep yang kami tawarkan dalam mendesain rumah atau property anda adalah kenyamanan yang sesuai dengan karakter pribadi anda dan keluarga hingga membuat seluruh keluarga Bahagia. Arasye mengusung Konsep bangunan hemat energi untuk Meminimalkan biaya biaya yang tidak diperlukan baik dalam masa pembangunan, dalam masa pemakain atau perawatan. Arasye mengunakan aplikasi ilustrasi 3D yang mendekati realita sebagai alat presentasi rancangan sehingga klien dapat memahami gambar dari setiap sudut ruang yang dirancang sebelum bangunan itu berdiri. Besar harapan kami bisa merancang rumah / propertu impian anda. Terima Kasih
Read more >Getto Interior Design and Build | ©2015 "One That Changes To Embrance Current Tastes"We are passionating Interior Design that loved most modern style interior and focusing on the comprehensive interior design process details from concept, design process to the actual construction.Getto Interior established the ability to provide custom-made interior design services. We Create Detail Interior Touch, Carefully Crafted Finish Selections and Custom Build Furnishing to transform an empty space into a refined designed space.BSD / Gading Serpong - Based Custom Furniture Workshop and Interior Design Consultancy Service.Also providing free consultancy service to see style match with our humble client. Enjoy our AFFORDABLE PRICE !!
Read more >Hello! My name is Afina Rahmani. I am graduate Architect based in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. I began working in the industry from 2013 until now. A few years later I worked at PT. Summarecon Agung (Jakarta) as an architect and interior designer. But currently, I'm working at one of Shopping Mall in Bandung as Coordinator Fit Out and designer for Future Development. I was able to learn and experience working on multiple stages of a project, from concept design, presentation, documentation through to contract administration. There are so many project architecture and interior design I have done so far. I would love to use the skills that I have gained over the past five years for all my clients.
Read more >Founded by Andri Wongso and Sisca Oktavia, two young independent interior designer who join forces to bring a whole new concept and ideas about designing a cozy living and sweet escape for our client. We emphasized teamwork and creative innovation to our client and organize ourselves to work efficiently to produce innovative design solution based on client's needs.
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