A simple story about Samitrayasa's meaning reveals the characteristic "friendship" philosophy
behind the Jakarta-based triumvirate of young architects. We are keen on doing something utopian
yet realistic in design, as if the architecture is not just a form and its function,
but the manifestation from man's perpetual idea
In creating new experience, expression and impression towards the space.
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arsitektur| interior design| architecture| house| unit| apartment| apartemen| kos| desain| design & build| rumah| kavling| residential| komersial| commercial| ruko| furniture| renovasi| renovation| murah
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Jakarta | Tangerang | Tangerang | Jakarta Selatan | Jakarta Barat | Jakarta Timur | Jakarta Utara | Gading Serpong | Jl. Boulevard Palem Raya Curug Neglasari No.2809 | Kabupaten Toraja Utara | Bandung | Sertifikasi