Mystudio merupakan perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang jasa pembuatan ruang kedap suara dan akustik. Mystudio melayani pembuatan ruang akustik seperti studio musik, studio recording, studio radio, home theater, ruangan karaoke / ruang karaoke / karaoke room, ruang rapat, hall, auditorium, ballroom hotel, dll. Perusahaan yang berdiri pada tanggal 10 desember 2010 ini hingga tahun 2019 telah dipercaya untuk mengerjakan lebih dari 300 project di seluruh Indonesia.
Read more >Kalacasa Studio is an Architecture and Interior firm based in Bandung and Jakarta, Indonesia. Our expertise in residential, retail, and office make every space has its own characteristics. We'll try to realize every client's dream to maximize every inch of the space as effective and comfortable as possible. We consider every clients' "needs and wants" in our design. If you're interested, don't hesitate to contact us!
Read more >The wastu spirit is a spirit of seeking and spirit of building identity. Wastu Cipta Parama's inspiration comes from a will to be dynamically changing, to create designs with character which would be a signature for its time and place. Built in 1993 in Bandung by Alexander Iskandar Santoso (Dept. of Architecture UNPAR'85) we provide services focusing on Architectural and interior designs. We design wide range of building types such as residential to commercial buildings, private to public buildings.
Read more >Saya adalah seorang Desainer Interior yang memiliki passion sangat besar di bidang Interior dan Arsitektur. Pendidikan terakhir saya adalah Strata Satu (S1) di Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung (ITENAS) Program Studi Desain Interior. Saat ini saya tergabung sebagai salah satu Asisten Dosen di Institut Teknologi Nasional (ITENAS). Saya sudah memiliki Sertifikat Keahlian Ahli Desain Interior - Madya dan tergabung sebagai anggota Himpunan Desainer Interior Indonesia (HDII).Saya sudah memiliki 6 tahun pengalaman bekerja di bidang Desain Interior dan Arsitektur, sehingga saya paham dan menguasai bidang Konsultan dan Kontraktor Interior serta bidang Manajemen Konstruksi. Saat ini saya memiliki jasa Konsultan dan Kontraktor Interior di Bandung. Visi misi saya adalah memberikan pelayanan terbaik bagi klien sehingga apa yang diinginkan klien dapat terpenuhi. Baik itu secara budget, kenyamanan, dan keindahan ruang. Dari mulai konsep perencanaan desain sampai pelaksanaan / merealisasikan desain.
Read more >Kami merupakan salah satu perusahan konsultan dan kontraktor interior dan furniture terbaik dengan cakupan project di Bandung Jakarta dan sekitarnya. Sampai saat ini Maxx Details telah mengerjakan lebih dari 300 project baik Coorporate maupun Private Client dengan berbagai macam jenis project interior baik komersial seperti Hotel, Perkantoran, Pertokoan, Sekolah, Resto & Café, dan lainnya, serta project Residential seperti rumah, apartment, town house, condotel dan lainnya. Dalam proses pengerjaan nya Maxx Details senantiasa berusaha mengepankan nilai, estetika, fungsi, karakter dari client dan tentunya dengan budget yang kompetitif. Lalu dalam proses produksi nya Maxx Details menggunakan material yang terbaik, proses produksi yang proper, serta dengan tenaga yang ahli pada bidang nya guna untuk menghasilkan furniture dan produk dengan kualitas yang terbaik dalam mencapai kepuasan seluruh client kami.
Read more >More than 30 years experience Dedy as an architect approaches each project as a new design exercise that requires a fresh perspective and an open mind. Our approach is to research the project parameters, site context, landscape, services, budget, and client characteristic. Inspiration is drawn from a wide variety of sources. He fuses creative experimentation, innovation with technical knowledge to come up with innovative yet practical solutions. At the start of each project he work with the client to develop a design and consultation strategy to form a framework, from design platform to develop the project. From hotel, resort, office, comercial building, to private house/villa, he makes sure that the design is suits the need.
Read more >Established in 2015, Sima is a Bandung-based company encompassing architecture, interior design, and build construction development services. We are a group of passionate and experienced architects, interior designers, and civil engineers with skillful proficiency, deep concern for project planning, and responsible work.We believe that experience is the best teacher, as we keep learning from it. Thus, our team has experience in various projects, through constant reflection. Hopefully, every work is strengthened by qualified and tailored manpower in each field. Hence, we aim to accelerate your build development projects with a responsible solution to meet your best expectations.
Read more >Studio decimaarsitek telah bergerak di bidang jasa Arsitek selama lebih dari 20 Tahun. Kami siap membantu anda untuk mewujudkan impian anda menjadi kenyataan. Kami siap membantu anda dalam desain Rumah tinggal, Villa, Kantor, Ruko, Pondokan , Klinik, Rumah sakit, Dll. Didukung oleh tenaga ahli Arsitek, Struktur, Landscape, Mekanikal Elektrikal Berpengalaman. Hubungi Studio Kami di 0812-2025-529 (WhatsApp)
Read more >STUDI is an architectural & interior design studio founded by Ivan Eldo. Based in Jakarta since 2016. We have completed several projects such as residential, hospitality, office, and retails.
Read more >Parades is a studio specializing in architecture with the scope of work covers Design, Animation Visualization, 3d, Mock-up, and Budget-Estimate Plan (RAB). Parades Studio located in Bandung, has a team that consist of architects and experts with good skills supported with creative ideas and professional attitude that ensures the best results. We want to continue to grow by provide designs that fulfil client satisfaction while contributing to the world of architecture in Indonesia.
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