Jasa kontraktor bangunan rumah di Bandung, berpengalaman lebih dari 24 thn. Jasa bangun & renovasi: rumah standard, mewah, super mewah, townhouse, ruko, kantor, kolam renang dll.
Read more >Creating soulful spaces that narrate personal or brand identity, with inventive architecture and interior design that speaks loudly in silence. We passionately deliver a personalized experieces to improve life quality trough proven research in spatial design and technical details
Read more >We believe good architecture is something beyond aesthetic and good-looking-instagrammable building. Architecture should fit with it context and bring the best of site potention to give user best experience.Passive design is our design approaches to minimize building energy and maintenance expenses. Most of building materials has it own size and dimension which became our consideration in the design process in order to reduce construction waste.We could save lots of money and resources by using compact and modular design approaches.
Read more >Studio Design & Build Semua Level dan Skala.
Read more >Leora adalah merek dari PT. Putra Sumber Maton yang bergerak dibidang jasa Desain Interior & Build untuk rumah, apartemen, kantor & public space yang berdomisili di Jakarta Selatan. Kami sadar bahwa suatu ruangan harus memiliki nilai estetika, style & kualitas agar memberikan rasa nyaman dalam beraktifitas. oleh sebab itu kami sangat memperhitungkan bentuk, fungsi serta fleksibelitas dalam rancang ruang yang akan dibuat. kami sangat menjaga kualitas dan waktu untuk menyelesaikan project secara tepat waktu, karena kami ingin selalu menjadi solusi terbaik untuk hunian anda.
Read more >Profesional dalam pembuatan Desain dan Rehabilitasi/Pembangunan Rumah, Interior, Meubeulair, Taman, dan Jalan
Read more >Architecture & Construction with a combination of simplicity and creativities. Produce an Architectural realization of our client request based on daily activities and adaptibilities of the future possibilities.
Read more >Thinking of starting a new business or repositioning your current brand and interior design? We will help you in producing the visual identity of your brand and your interior. PT. Fie Welmo Design is a full service design company from interior until graphic design. PT. Fie Welmo Design is a member of Fie Group based in Bandung, West Java. This company is engaged as a provider of creative solutions that will continue to innovate, establish good relations with all business partners, and have integrity and responsible for completing work and striving to provide the best service and results. Our Goal is to give you a great service, which will give the perfect look and fell to represent your business. We will ensure your brand represents your concept and surely stands out among your competitors. Start from interior design, stationary, marketing tools, visual branding identity and graphic design.
Read more >Contractor firm offering full-service architecture and interior design, based in Bandung.
Read more >NAHL adalag sebuah jasa penyedia layanan arsitek dan interior skup kami tidak hanya sebatas mendesain tetapi juga membangun.dengan menganut filosofi lebah kami berkerja dan menghasilkan hasil yang baik untuk klien kami
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