We believe good architecture is something beyond aesthetic and good-looking-instagrammable building. Architecture should fit with it context and bring the best of site potention to give user best experience.Passive design is our design approaches to minimize building energy and maintenance expenses.
Most of building materials has it own size and dimension which became our consideration in the design process in order to reduce construction waste.We could save lots of money and resources by using compact and modular design approaches.
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Desain Interior| Desain arsitektur| Renovasi Rumah| Desain Rumah| Desain Kantor| Architecture| Rumah Tinggal| Interior Kantor| Interior Kafe| Interior Coffee Shop
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Bandung | Daerah Khusus Ibukota Jakarta | Majalengka | Cirebon | Serang | Tangerang | Jawa Barat | Bekasi | Kota Sukabumi | Sumedang | Lembang | Cimahi | Padalarang | Jl. Parahyangan Raya | Sertifikasi
SKA Arsitek Muda