Daftar Home Improvement Profesional di Depok untuk bangun maupun renovasi rumah Anda.

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firman akbar di Depok
firman akbar di Depok
firman akbar di Depok
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2 Proyek Terbangun

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{[{ logLocationId && premium_professionals[0].num_of_local_built_projects ? premium_professionals[0].num_of_local_built_projects : premium_professional[0].num_of_built_projects }]} Proyek Terbangun
Opaque Studio di Depok
Opaque Studio di Depok
Opaque Studio di Depok
Opaque Studio di Depok
Opaque Studio
Kabupaten Bandung Barat
2 Proyek Terbangun

Interior design and custom furniture, we provide streamline and simplified process to build your dream space.

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{[{ premium_professionals[1].profile_name }]} di Depok
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Atikah Cahyaning T di Depok
Atikah Cahyaning T di Depok
Atikah Cahyaning T di Depok
Atikah Cahyaning T di Depok
Atikah Cahyaning T
Lubang Buaya
2 Proyek Terbangun

I'm a bachelor of architecture from one of the best University In Indonesia and have been a professional Interior architect for 2 years, I've done many projects from a private home to public places.I am in charge in every stages of design, from meeting and consulting with the clients, developing designs to supervising production and on-site installation. 

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{[{ premium_professionals[2].profile_name }]} di Depok
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Jati Waringin
1 Proyek Terbangun

Didirikan pada tahun 2016, bahasa desain Rassamudra mengacu pada Kenyamanan Fungsi Ruang dan Proporsionalitas Material. Sintesis pribadi idealis dengan pengalaman profesional di dunia developer yang terbiasa dengan efisiensi - Rassamudra percaya bahwa proses kolaborasi multidisiplin antara Arsitek dan Pemilik Proyek akan menciptakan definisi objektif tentang keindahan dan kenyamanan yang bersifat subjektif.   Berkomitmen untuk membantu Pemilik Proyek dari tahap desain hingga tahap konstruksi, Rassamudra terdiri dari Robi Aria Samudra, S.T., M.M., M.U.D., Principal Owner, yang bekerja sama dengan Gery Dwi Samudra, S.T., Principal Architect, dan Ariani Utami, S.T., sebagai Principal Interior Designer and Technical. 

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{[{ logLocationId && premium_professionals[3].num_of_local_built_projects ? premium_professionals[3].num_of_local_built_projects : premium_professional[3].num_of_built_projects }]} Proyek Terbangun
TMS Creative di Depok
TMS Creative
1 Proyek Terbangun

TMS Creative (PT. Talenta Multikreasi Sejahtera) is a one-stop spatial design company, established in mid-2014. The passion for design & creative minds brought the founders together in establishing and developing a mutual understanding that “design can change life”. Involving various creativity in every aspect of our services has become our signature to trigger original concept ideas for solutions to spatial problems. We pride ourselves not just on being an ordinary interior designer; we are research-based interior architectural firm. Using our knowledge and expertise, we thoroughly evaluate every project, discuss the client’s preferred design ideas, and then provide detailed schematics and graphics to visualize the vision. Our prices are very competitive, our service par excellence. We are imaginative, innovative and people-oriented organization providing individual opportunity, personal satisfaction and rewarding challenges to all members of the firm. Our team consists of not only talented de­signers, with big dreams and wide range of creative experience, but also associates from different design fields and countries, in supporting projects and meeting our clients' satisfaction. Specializes in 3 sectors: a. Spatial design services (interior architecture), b. Design and Lifestyle (interior products), and c. Property by design (interior staging).

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{[{ premium_professionals[4].profile_name }]} di Depok
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Sinan Arsitek di Depok
Sinan Arsitek di Depok
Sinan Arsitek di Depok
Sinan Arsitek di Depok
Sinan Arsitek
Jl. Bulan Terang Utama Blok Uj 35 No.30 Kota Malang
1 Proyek Terbangun

Sinan Arsitek adalah Konsultan Arsitek yang fokus pada pembuatan perencanaan bangunan hunian dan komersial. Kami membantu merencanakan / mendesain bangunan renovasi atau bangun baru. Kami bertekad selalu disiplin untuk terus meningkatkan kualitas produk, enjoy di bidang yang dikerjakannya, selalu openmind, PASSIONATE dan mengerjakan desain dengan sepenuh hati.

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{[{ premium_professionals[5].profile_name }]} di Depok
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{[{ logLocationId && premium_professionals[5].num_of_local_built_projects ? premium_professionals[5].num_of_local_built_projects : premium_professional[5].num_of_built_projects }]} Proyek Terbangun
Green Lake City
1 Proyek Terbangun

DHI is founded by Hermawan Kho & Joy Tua, who have the passion, vision and goal, which is to make every home owner happy by turning their house into a personalized living home. DHI was established in 2012 by the combination of natural talent , big passion, and solid knowledge of its founder. They gifted with natural talent and enourmous passion in creating a homey home that exhibit the character of the home owner with well-planned layout and excellent interior. Strengthen with their strong business skill and management knowledge in the multinational corporations for more than 15 years, DHI can brings good design, good service, and good project management. We believes that personalized interior, design and decor is the key to turn a house into a homey home. Recognized  for our expertise to capture the uniqueness of client’s personal  need, brief and preference,  we ensure that each interior project will have the presence and the spirit of the clients’ character. DHI specializes in providing design & build service for office, commercial area, residentials, both at the apartments and landed houses. We start from idea conception, space & layout  planning, furniture & material selection, construction of the interior fit out, and also styling for the finishing details. Our company vision is providing best design & build for office, commercial area & residentials. Our company mission is with our expertise to capture the uniqueness of client’s personal need, we ensure that each interior project will have the presence and the spirit of the clients’ character. Our interior style subscribes to the modern and urban design, with emphasis on simplicity, organize and cleanness. A very suitable decor for urban living.  For complete information regarding our projects please visit our website www.dhi.id  

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Shiraz.indonesia di Depok
The Smith Tower
1 Proyek Terbangun

Atelier Rais and partner Franchois tanoto draw on their backgrounds in store design, visual display, and fashion to create lovely, elegant rooms. are especially adroit at fashioning a look of tailored luxury that evokes both past and present. We love sleek, clean, minimalist design, on the rock, but twist it with modern luxury ingredient, depending on the occasion, "wink"  

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7Design Architect di Depok
7Design Architect di Depok
7Design Architect di Depok
7Design Architect di Depok
7Design Architect
Maple Park Apartment
1 Proyek Terbangun

Designing a new architecture As an architect, 7 Design Architect seeking a new balance between art and technology, form and function, beauty and purpose. We are professional architects and interior designers aiming to solve architectural problems through nature and sustainability. We serve clients by listening to their concerns, understanding their needs, and sharing in their vision. We are fully committed to satisfying clients with excellent results. We are Architect and interior design company based in Jakarta, Indonesia operating in the retail, restaurant & café, office and residential sectors.

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Indrawan Designworks di Depok
Indrawan Designworks di Depok
Indrawan Designworks di Depok
Indrawan Designworks di Depok
Indrawan Designworks
Kec. Pancoran
1 Proyek Terbangun

Kami adalah biro konsultan desain arsitektur dengan orang-orang profesional yang berpengalaman di bidangnya, dan dengan keinginannya untuk menjunjung tinggi etos kerja dalam segala aspek yang terkait dalam menciptakan suatu karya desain yang berkualitas pada setiap pekerjaannya. Lingkup pekerjaan kami menjangkau ke seluruh wilayah Indonesia, namun untuk saat ini paling banyak terkonsentrasi di kota Jakarta. Kami yakin bahwa proses desain merupakan suatu proses gabungan dari berbagai disiplin kerja antara segi fungsi, ide, kreatifitas, dan juga dari segi konstruksi sehingga semuanya itu dapat terwujud dan terlaksana dengan baik. Karena itu, kolaborasi yang baik antara klien, arsitek dan kontraktor adalah salah satu faktor penting dalam mewujudkan suatu karya desain yang baik. Lingkup pekerjaan kami adalah Konsep Desain, Gambar Pra Rencana, 3D Artist Impression, Gambar Kerja sampai Supervisi Berkala.   We are a young, enthusiastic team of professionals with a broad range of expertise and services. We are passionate about architecture and are committed to maintaining an ethos of quality throughout all aspects of our work. Our work is featured throughout Indonesia , although concentrated in Jakarta. We believe that our duty is a multidisciplinary process of combination between functions, ideas and construction into one state of the art building and interior. Therefore, a good collaboration between the owner, architect and the builders is an important factor to achieve a successful design. As such we are bound by codes of ethics and are committed to continual professional development. Our services are design concept, 3D images presentations, working drawing, preliminary design and supervision.

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