Patih Group merupakan gabungan dari entitas usaha yang bergerak di industri konstruksi dan pengembang perumahan. Secara jangka panjang, Patih Group memiliki visi untuk menjadi entitas usaha "Satu Atap" dalam industri konstruksi dan perumahan (hulu-hilir). Saat ini ada dua entitas yang menjadi bagian dari Patih Group, yakni Patih Design & Build dan Studio57. Patih Design & Build merupakan anak usaha yang bergerak di bidang Perencanaan dan Pelaksanaan Jasa Konstruksi, baik Sipil maupun Interior. Beroperasional sejak tahun 2014, Patih Design & Build telah menangani banyak perencanaan dan pelaksanaan konstruksi sipil dan interior, mulai dari rumah tinggal/residensial, perkantoran, area komersial, hingga produksi barang-barang asesoris interior. Patih Design & Build telah memiliki workshop interior sendiri untuk menunjang kebutuhan produksi. Studio57 merupakan anak usaha yang bergerak di bidang pengembang perumahan. Diinisiasi pada tahun 2019, Studio57 secara resmi memulai proyek pengembang pertama di tahun 2020. Perumahan Jatisampurna Asri di daerah Jatisampurna, Kota Bekasi menjadi proyek pembuka. Memiliki total 23 unit dan 3 tipe bangunan, Perumahan Jatisampurna Asri terbilang cukup berhasil, walaupun beroperasional ditengah situasi pandemi COVID-19. Studio57 berkomitmen untuk terus menghadirkan hunian nyaman, fungsional, nan terjangkau bagi masyarakat.
Read more >Kontraktor yang bergerak di bidang Bangunan,Renovasi,Interior Design dan Fabrikasi Furniture untuk Residence Apartment,Office,Restaurant,Cafe,Retail,Hotel dan lain-lain Dengan di dukung tenaga profesional dan terlatih dalam bidang nya yang sudah mempunyai sertifikasi SKA Sipil (sertifikat keterangan ahli sipil), SKA Interior (sertifikat keterangan ahli interior)dan Sertifikasi Mekanikal dan Elektrikal maka PT.Buana Pratama Interindo selalu mengedepankan kualitas dan ketepatan waktu serta harga yang terbaik untuk membuat Client merasa puas.PT.Buana Pratama Interindo sangat yakin dapat mewujudkan tempat impian anda jadi kenyataan sesuai standard,kualitas terbaik serta harga yang terjangkau.
Read more >Memiliki rumah, ruko, cafe, kantor, bahkan showunit namun bingung untuk gaya interior yang sesuai? Serahkan saja kepada ahlinya, Home by Fabelio. Home by merupakan jasa desain interior GRATIS sebagai solusi tepat untuk rumah Anda. Anda tak perlu repot untuk mengurus segala keperluan hunian karena kami akan mengurus segalanya hingga tuntas. Dengan dedicated Project Manager, Sales, bahkan Designer yang secara profesional akan meng-up-date informasi project anda secara berkala dan memastikan segala pengerjaan sesuai jadwal.
Read more >Studié is an Architecture & Interior Design Studio based in Jakarta-Indonesia, and was founded by Ivan Eldo Architects since 2017. Studié stands for Studio Ivan Eldo, and in French means “study”, which means that Studié always keep develop its abilities and qualities in every project and opportunity. Our idealism in designing is empathy, by helping the interests and prioritizing client satisfaction according to what clients need and like that is coordinated with our things and experience, not just creating works with our own taste and design ego. We have completed several design projects such as residential, commercial, office and retail.
Read more >The name GARISPRADA started as our identity back in 1995, made merely in reqruitments for dealing a hotel project in Balikpapan. From that very first project, our company has grown far in term of ideas and dreams to keep our unique and distinctive style of design and architecture. Looking back, we have found much more pleasing than bad experiences. We learned to maintan our consistency, just as the first drip of dew on earth or endlessly, flowing water, along with persistence and passion for what we do.Integrity, commitment and competence made GARISPRADA a strong, growing fort with a recruiring spirit. We thank all that not only to our own confidence, but to faith for The Creator, as well as the act of loving the whole universe He made. One on our proudest work is to finish Masjid Kubah Emas, that was done within a year of design and six years of construction a clear proof of our firmly held faith. PT.GARISPRADA Office Located in Jl. Pondok Betung Raya No. 89. Bintaro sektor 3. Jakarta 15525 Phone: 73690078. Fax: 73691059. Email:
Read more >Lineamarca is a full service architecturedesign firm based in Jakarta. The firm was founded in 2009. The firm’s current portfolio, which is based on principal’s involvement in past projects, includes wide spectrum of projects ranging from master planning, mixed use development, shopping center, office, cultural, building with specific purpose and interior. The firm has undertaken and completed numerous projects which gives the experience and confidence to handle such work both nationally andinternationally. Our professional, talented and visioned team has ensured the firm’s success in providing innovative solutions to complex problems. Principal’s intimate involvement with client in engaging a project is the firm’s commitment towards producing design excellence for all of our clients.
Read more >Mandala Architecture is a full-service interior design & building contractor located in Jakarta Selatan, specializing in both residential and commercial design. We can provide the expertise to make sure the project runs smoothly and gives you the best results possible.Because we are a small design firm, we are extremely flexible and nimble. We have relationships with local craftsmen and subcontractors, so you can be assured that your project is completed with the highest standards.
Read more >Arta Studio adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Design & Built Arsitektur dan Interior Design. Scope pekerjaan yang sudah dikerjakan oleh Arta Studio mencakup design residensial, komersial, office, dll. Arta Studio berlokasi di kota Medan dan sudah terbentuk sejak 2018. Arta Studio memiliki pengalaman dalam menciptakan design serta membangun yang sesuai dengan harapan dan ekspektasi klien.
Read more >A simple story about Samitrayasa's meaning reveals the characteristic "friendship" philosophy behind the Jakarta-based triumvirate of young architects. We are keen on doing something utopian yet realistic in design, as if the architecture is not just a form and its function, but the manifestation from man's perpetual idea In creating new experience, expression and impression towards the space. -
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