Graharupa is a team of Interior Designer and Architect based in Jakarta driven by passion and always come with fresh ideas. Our team delivers Creative Interior Design and Architecture solutions that suits your style as well as your needs. We strive to improve your lifestyle, workspace, quality of life, aesthetic goals, and always guided by HSSE (Health, Safety, Security and Environment).
Read more >Murni Design adalah perusahaan konsultan jasa arsitek yang menyediakan jasa desain (rumah, villa, kost-kostan maupun bangunan lainnya seperti ruko, kantor, apartement, condotel, resort dll), yang berdiri pada tahun 2004 dengan nama Murni Design Studio, pada awal berdiri nya Murni Design merupakan sekumpulan para Arsitek yang masih aktif bekerja di berbagai perusahaan baik developer maupun konsultan arsitek. Pada masa2 awal Murni Design di jalankan dengan partime dari para arsitek yang masih bekerja di kantor lain tersebut, tetapi seiring berkembang nya proyek2 yang harus di handle dari mulai : rumah, villa, kost-kostan, ruko, dan hotel maka mengharuskan agar Murni Design ini di jalankan secara Full time Pada awal tahun 2014 Murni Design mendapatkan partner konsultan dari singapura yang bernama HB design pte ltd, sehingga terbentuklah nama perusahaan PT. Dhapra Kreasi Gemilang untuk menaungi Murni Design atas kerjasama dengan HB design pt ltd Singapura. HB design pte ltd memberikan kepercayaan kepada Murni Design untuk pengembangan proyek2 mereka yang berlokasi di India, yaitu proyek superblok dengan 8 tower seluas kurang lebih 150 ha. Murni Design memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi terkini untuk menciptakan desain tiga dimensi (3D) yang mendekati realita dengan ukuran skala riil sehingga memudahkan para klien untuk memahami bagaimana bentuk bangunan dari berbagai sudut. Murni Design dalam proses pembuatan design nya menggunakan BIM Revit ( standart singapura ) sebagai tools utama, sehingga design yang di hasilkan sudah pasti bisa di bangun. Dan dengan BIM revit ini juga bisa di ketahui secara akurat berapa kebutuhan bahan untuk sebuah bangunan. Murni Design berpengalaman dalam mendesain rumah, villa, residential / perumahan, dan bangunan komersial lainnya seperti ruko, sekolahan, apartemen, kantor, kos, guest house, kompleks villa, resort hingga hotel. Sehingga dengan berbekal pengalaman dan keahlian yang dimiliki, Murni Design dapat mendesain rumah / villa / bangunan impian Anda sesuai dengan standar keamanan, kualitas terbaik dan harga yang kompetitif.
Read more >Yang kami lakukan adalah membantu klien kami dalam menyelesaikan masalahnya yang berkaitan dengan desain dan pembangunan, baik itu rumah, restoran, cafe, hotel, dan lainnya. Kedekatan dengan klien merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi kami karena dari sanalah kami mengetahui kebutuhan dan kendala yang dialami. Kami menyadari bahwa tidak setiap klien kami mempunyai waktu luang untuk bertatap muka dengan kami, karena itu kami menyediakan layanan Client Assistant & Online CRM (Client Relationship Management) dimana klien dapat memantau jadwal proyek, progres pekerjaan, hingga dokumentasi file secara rapih dan transparan. Salam hangat, Segera lebih dekat dengan kami di (0251) 857-2216 atau 0822-10000-943
Read more >ADA Design Group provides you the best experience in your journey to have your perfect ideal place realized in a extraordinary and unique way. We provides Architecture, Interior Design, Custom Furniture, and Building Construction, we make sure every single of our portfolio is unique and differ from others that speaks out loud without the need of words.
Read more >A simple story about Samitrayasa's meaning reveals the characteristic "friendship" philosophy behind the Jakarta-based triumvirate of young architects. We are keen on doing something utopian yet realistic in design, as if the architecture is not just a form and its function, but the manifestation from man's perpetual idea In creating new experience, expression and impression towards the space. -
Read more >ED Architect is a design & build one stop terminal for architecture and interior design starting from 2010. Edwin Nugraha Djaja S.T as leader architect achieved bachelor degree of architecture from University of Tarumanagara Jakarta. Has been working from 2006 at Karya Cipta Architect, Agung Podomoro Group, and Allegra Tri Mitra. Working together with Cindy Vania Djaja M.Ds as the interior designer, graduated from Tarumanagara University. We teamed together with Ir. Agustine Tabrani & Andreas Widjaja who are highly-experienced in architecture and building construction since 1978. We scope on urban designs, master plannings, apartments, hotel/condotels, offices, interiors, private residences, etc with clients ranging from private owner to developers. Provides more than just a design, we are also able to facilitate our clients from brochure production to design development and construction. In order to achieve high consistence and similarity between our design and reality, we have our own building-contractors stand by. We concentrate on rapid progress and brilliant visualizations. Contact Us : Jl.H.Yahya Nuih No.1Margonda Raya,DepokTel: +62 21 7863919
Read more >Graduated from Institut Teknologi Bandung in 1999, he then, together with a college friend, established an architecture design studio. Yu Sing has always been actively joining in various architectural competitions, which many of them he won. And since, he got frequently invited to give public lectures, seminars and workshops by architecture colleges in Indonesia. In 2008, answering his life long search for meanings, Yu Sing established akanoma, an independent architecture design studio that provides affordable designs for the middle and lower income families. He has also continuously been working with young apprentices and students catering the dream of middle-lower income families to have their own architect-designd houses. By the year 2009, Yu Sing published ‘Mimpi Rumah Murah’, a book of affordable houses. Akanoma itself has four main design philosophy: 1. Put forth architecture for all 2. Bring traditional architecture forward 3. Build nature-culture-economy-architecture interdependency 4. Promote eco-tourism along the local Yu Sing was born in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia in 1976. He graduated from Institut Teknologi Bandung in 1999, majoring Architecture Engineering. On that same year he began his career as an Architect by, along with a coleague, establishing Studio Genesis. Then, in 2008, he establish his own independent Architecture Studio called Akanoma (abbreviation of akar anomali; translated as “root of anomaly”). Akar anomali emphasize the studio’s commitment to constantly rooted in Indonesian context of cultures, potentials, and issues. Yu Sing believes that Architecture is not a priviledge of the rich, instead Architecture should be able to immensely serve all social layers. Therefore, Sudio Akanoma commenced design for affordable houses, with a relatively lower design fee, so that the middle and lower income people may benefit a well-designed house. While being a dinamic architect, Yu Sing actively writes in blogs and prints. And, in 2009, he published the book “Mimpi Rumah Murah”. He has also given many workshops and seminars in many Indonesian cities (s.a. Bandung, Yogyakarta, Pontianak, Banjarmasin, Lampung, Aceh), engaging students and young architects to cater architecture for all. Moreover, Yu Sing is open for public discussion through his blog, email and other social media accounts. In 2012, working with Prima Rusdi and Mandy Marahimin, via crowdfunding, he initiated a phylantropic project “Papan untuk Semua” which works in people’s housing and public spaces reaching out to low income society. Presented Architecture Workshops: 1. Affordable Houses Design Workshop and Guest Lecture on Socializing Architecture, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, 21-22 October 2009 2. Architecture Course: Public Space Development in Urban Village (West Pamulang), Institut Teknologi Indonesia, 3-5 June 2011 3. MAAN Mentok Tin Mining City: ‘Exile’ City as a Process Towards Unique and Specific Ecotourism, Mentok, Bangka Island, 20-28 July 2011 4. Joint Design Studi Indonesia-Japan 2011, Design Intervetion for Sensible High Density Urban Kampung of Megacities, Department of Architecture Faculty of Engineering University of Indonesia, Research Institute of Humanity and Nature (RIHN) Kyoto, Chiba University, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo University of Science, 08-18 September 2011. As member of Architecture Competition’s board of jury: 1. Sayembara Rumah Rakyat 2009, Studio Habitat Indonesia, 2009. 2. Sayembara Penataan Kampung Pinggir Kali Brantas, Malang, East Java area Architecture Students, 2010. 3. Sayembara Rumah Murah Sehat, Rumah Ide Series and Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2010. 4. Sayembara Desain Rumah Tinggal di Kampung Kota, “Housing Solution for a Better Living at Pademangan”, Universitas Trisakti, 2010. 5. Sayembara Balai Pekumpulan Warga Kampung Layur, Semarang, Universitas Katolik Soegiyapranata, Semarang, 2011. 6. Sayembara Rumah Tropis Nusantara di Kampung Kota, Universitas Brawijaya, Malang, 2011. 7. Laras Award 2011 (in absentia). 8. Sayembara Penataan Pedagang Kaki Lima di Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Jawa Barat, Bandung, Universitas Parahyangan, 2015. Awards: 2016. · Green Leadership Award from BCI Asia; work: Environmental Center Ocean Of Life Indonesia, Watu Kodok, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. 2015. · 3rd Place, Citation Of Excellent Architectural Design Reflecting East Asian Identity; work: Wikasatrian (Wika Leadership Center) · Winner, Holcim Awards Indonesia 2015 for Sustainable Construction; work: Ocean Of Life Indonesia, Watu Kodok, Gunung Kidul, Yogyakarta. · 2nd Place, Propan Desa Wisata Nusantara Competition; work: strategy concept for Desa Wisata Sembalun Lawang, Lombok, NTB. · Tempo Property Award (Hunian Ramah Lingkungan) 2015; works: Taman Tengah Griya Mitra Insani 2 Complex, Cibubur; Puzzle House, West Jakarta; Stilts House, Kelapa Gading, North Jakarta. 2012 · Winner, Closed Competition (invitee) Wikasatrian (Wika Leadership Center), Pasir Angin, Gadog, Bogor. 2011. · 4th Place, Orangutan Research Station Design Competition, West Kalimantan 2010. · 3rd Place, FuturArc Prize 2010 International Competition (A Prototype for Ecological Living): Oasis Social Housing. 2009. · Winner, Holcim Award Indonesia 2009 for sustainable Construction; work: Caringin Family ‘Village’ Improvement. · Winner, Center of Academic Building Design Competition, Universitas Negeri Makassar; work: Menara Phinisi. · Winner, no-reward competition (; work: co-Housing: 1 house for 4 middle class families. 2008. · 5th Place, Universitas Gajahmada Academic Hospital Design Competition, Yogyakarta. · 3rd Place, Indogress Façade and Interior Design Competition, Tangerang. 2007. · Finalist, closed competition of BPK Penabur International School, Banda, Bandung. · 6th Place, Borobudur Park Design Competition, Jakarta; team: Oky Kusprianto · Winner, Jakarta Design Center Façade Design Competition. · Top 10, Rumah Ide façade Competition. 2006. · 3rd Place, Taman Rakyat Cimahi Design Competition 2004. · Winner, closed competition BPK Penabur International School, Bahureksa, Bandung. · 2nd Place, competition BPK Penabur International School, Singgasana Pradana, Bandung. 1999. · Winner, closed competition Gereja Kristen Indonesia Anugerah, Bandung; team: Yohan Tirtawijaya, Herjagus Kurnia, Anton Jo. Yu Sing memberikan bengkel kerja/workshop arsitektur sebagai berikut: 1. bengkel kerja desain rumah murah & kuliah tamu memasyarakatkan arsitektur, Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta, 21-22 oktober 2009. 2. les arsitektur pengembangan ruang publik dalam kampung kota [pamulang barat], Institut Teknologi Indonesia, 3-5 juni 2011. 3. mAAN mentok tin mining city: ‘exile’ city as a process towards unique & specific ecotourism, mentok, pulau bangka, 20-28 july 2011. 4. Joint design studio indonesia-japan 2011, design intervention for sensible high density urban kampung of megacities,Department of Architecture Faculty of Engineering University of Indonesia, Research Institute of Humanity and Nature (RIHN) Kyoto, Chiba University, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo University of Science, 08-18 September 2011. Selain itu, yu sing juga menjadi juri beberapa sayembara desain arsitektur yang berhubungan dengan rumah murah dan perbaikan kampung sebagai berikut: 1. Juri sayembara rumah rakyat 2009, studio habitat indonesia, 2009. 2. Juri sayembara penataan kampung pinggir kali brantas malang, mahasiswa arsitektur rayon jawa timur, 2010. 3. Juri sayembara rumah murah sehat, seri rumah ide & gramedia pustaka utama, 2010. 4. Juri sayembara desain rumah tinggal di kampung kota ‘housing solution for a better living at pademangan’, universitas trisakti, 2010. 5. Juri sayembara balai perkumpulan warga kampung layur semarang, universitas katolik soegiyapranata semarang, 2011. 6. sayembara rumah tropis nusantara di kampung kota, universitas brawijaya malang, 2011. 7. Juri laras award 2012 (in absentia). 8. Juri sayembara penataan pedagang kaki lima di monumen perjuangan jawa barat bandung, universitas parahyangan, 2015. Penghargaan 2016 · Pemenang penghargaan internasional Green Leadership Award dari BCI Asia untuk karya rumah belajar lingkungan ocean of life indonesia, watu kodok, gunung kidul, yogyakarta. 2015 · Pemenang 3 Citation Of Excellent Architectural Design Reflecting East Asian Identity untuk karya wikasatrian (wika leadership centre).
Read more >Studioakhdan, adalah studio yang berfokus pada desain arsitektur dengan penggunaan konsep pendekatan minimalism fungsional. Kami menyadari bahwa dewasa ini lahan yang berada disekeliling kita semakin menipis, maka dari itu kami mencoba untuk mengolah bagaimana studio design ini dapat bermanfaat bagi klien jauh dari itu dapat mengakomodir setiap lahan yang dimiliki oleh klien secara maksimal.
Read more >Mendekor is here to help you turn your dream spaces into reality, from residential to commercial. Our complete services including consultation, design development, furniture design and construction. We believe that great design is not just appealing to the eyes, but also need to be functional and share positive vibes to the users. Our team is composed of highly trained, experienced and passionate people, who will deliver an optimum and first class service to our clients.
Read more >Kami adalah desainer interior yang bergerak di bidang design & build. Kami berpengalaman untuk merenovasi rumah, kantor, cafe dan apartement. Kami memiliki portfolio dengan konsep desain scandinavian, klasik dan minimalis modern. Kami didukung oleh partner-partner yang sudah berpengalaman puluhan tahun.
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