Vivame Design is an Interior Design Studio and Interior Workshop established around mid 2015 and set-up in Depok by Liska Yulianti. Since then we have experienced both interior design and building of projects started with residential and commercial design ranging from (hotel, villas, leisures, apartment, government building, office, restaurant, cafe).With our team consists of young talented designer with passion and unique idea yet creative mind-set, we aim to deliver most of your vision and revery of your dream house or workplace but also associates from different design fields , in supporting projects and meeting our clients' satisfaction. Our design is not limited by any boundary of style, we create and build anything that client shoot at us, like modern, minimalist ,contemporer, scandinavian,classical, traditional, tropical, mid century and etc. With respect to the environment, either it is natural landscape, a complex, the city scape, or the building itself. Stylish yet artistic concepts are applied all the way through our design process from scratches to implementation in each of our projects.
Read more >Aesthetic-In Atelier merupakan studio konsultan desain yang bergerak dalam bidang Architectural, Special Facade, Interior, dan Lighting. Aesthetic-In Atelier sendiri berdiri pada akhir tahun 2017 di Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta (DIY). Konsultan ini memiliki beberapa divisi yang bergerak dalam berbagai bidang spesifikasi, serta menekankan aspek Climate Responsive Design dalam gaya kontemporer, yang dimana memprioritaskan respon iklim, analisa data, fungsionalitas, dan kebutuhan pengguna dalam bangunan.
Read more >Kami kontraktor bangunan, rumah tinggal villa dll. Kami bergedak pada tahun 2014, dimana kami sebelumnya sudah pernah bekerja baik di kontraktor BUMN dan swasta selama 12 tahun.
Read more >TATA TATA is a small design studio based in Indonesia focused on architecture, interior design, landscape and urban design formed by Alvath Tembria in 1st Syawal 1442 H (13rd May 2021). Our premise starts from the statement that architecture is not a product owned only by the upper class but for all people. So our target is not to produce luxurious architectural products at all, but good architecture that grows naturally based on the natural sense of the user's space, such as space comfort, healthy space, and responsiveness to context. Architecture is not just an inanimate product, but something participatory. We are very open to all input from various parties from all disciplines. So our goal is to invite all levels of society to criticize every space they use and manage their own space wisely. We started it all in a small studio with several projects on the island of Lombok, one of the most beautiful islands in the world. We hope our spirit can spread further to all corners of the world together with other studios to build a great and sufficient space.
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Lihat project saya >Sinan Arsitek adalah Konsultan Arsitek yang fokus pada pembuatan perencanaan bangunan hunian dan komersial. Kami membantu merencanakan / mendesain bangunan renovasi atau bangun baru. Kami bertekad selalu disiplin untuk terus meningkatkan kualitas produk, enjoy di bidang yang dikerjakannya, selalu openmind, PASSIONATE dan mengerjakan desain dengan sepenuh hati.
Read more >dengan pengalaman saya kurang lebih 7 tahun di interior dan arsitek, saya mendapatkan banyak ilmu dan bisa menguasai beberapa aspek di bidang interior, dari awal menjadi interior design hingga sekarang memiliki workshop sendiri
Read more >We pursue to generate UNIQUE SPACE EXPERIENCE for each design that we create, specific to each individual’s NEEDS & requirement.
Read more >Kami adalah perusahaan yang berbasis di Sleman, Yogyakarta, dan bergerak pada bidang perencanaan dan pelaksanaan. Kami memiliki spesialisasi pada bangunan dengan konstruksi bambu, baik dalam pekerjaan struktural, eksterior maupun interior. Setiap project yang kami kerjakan akan terintegrasi dengan desain dan instalasi pencahayaan.
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