Daftar Home Improvement Profesional di Sikka untuk bangun maupun renovasi rumah Anda.

1 Proyek Terbangun

The name GARISPRADA started as our identity back in 1995, made merely in reqruitments for dealing a hotel project in Balikpapan. From that very first project, our company has grown far in term of ideas and dreams to keep our unique and distinctive style of design and architecture. Looking back, we have found much more pleasing than bad experiences. We learned to maintan our consistency, just as the first drip of dew on earth or endlessly, flowing water, along with persistence and passion for what we do.Integrity, commitment and competence made GARISPRADA a strong, growing fort with a recruiring spirit. We thank all that not only to our own confidence, but to faith for The Creator, as well as the act of loving the whole universe He made. One on our proudest work is to finish Masjid Kubah Emas, that was done within a year of design and six years of construction a clear proof of our firmly held faith.  PT.GARISPRADA Office Located in Jl. Pondok Betung Raya No. 89. Bintaro sektor 3. Jakarta 15525 Phone: 73690078. Fax: 73691059. Email: design@garisprada.com  

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 di Sikka
Proyek Terbangun
Wujudkan Hunian Impian dengan Jasa Arsitek di Sikka.

Temukan jasa arsitek, jasa interior, jasa kontraktor, dan jasa renovasi di Sikka dan sekitarnya.