All Projects   |   Aoyama - Stik Food Cart

Aoyama - Stik Food Cart (4 Photos)

Published: 24 July 2017


It's a project designing a food truck selling organic soy bean products ranging from Japanese traditional “Natto” to soy milk. We used this project as an opportunity to testing out our 3D printing sistem called STIK (Smart Tool Integrated 'K'onstruction). This system proposes a new method for printing architecture scale objects by developing a handheld chopstick dispenser that able to deploy custom material consisting of chopsticks and glue. This project is a part of T-ADS, The University of Tokyo research project in 2014.

It's a project designing a food truck selling organic soy bean products ranging from Japanese traditional “Natto” to soy milk. We used this project as an opportunity to testing out our 3D printing sistem called STIK (Smart Tool Integrated 'K'onstruction). This system proposes a new method for printing architecture scale objects by developing a handheld chopstick dispenser that able to deploy custom material...

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Project Status: Terbangun

Project Year: 2014

Project Cost(IDR):

Lokasi: Tokyo, Japan

Gilang Arenza Aoyama - Stik Food Cart Tokyo, Japan Tokyo, Japan 141223Stikaoyama007S Tradisional 35796
Gilang Arenza Aoyama - Stik Food Cart Tokyo, Japan Tokyo, Japan 141223Stikaoyama002S Tradisional 35797
Gilang Arenza Aoyama - Stik Food Cart Tokyo, Japan Tokyo, Japan 141223Stikaoyama008S Tradisional 35798
Gilang Arenza Aoyama - Stik Food Cart Tokyo, Japan Tokyo, Japan Dispensers38  35799

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