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Lava Huis (8)
AR-House (21)
Interior RS PKU Aisyiyah (3)
Pesantren Wathonul Qur'an (19)
Boarding House Mr.G (6)
Interior of Government (9)
D-House (10)
AG-House (24)
Interior jewellery Kota Gede (13)
U House (21)
Interior office APTIV (7)
Astra motor training centre (10)
Interior Office Avery Dennison (8)
D - House (5)
Griya Lestari (16)
Interior Atik House (11)
E - Office (15)
Interior Office DPU (6)
Interior of RSUP Dr.Karyadi (6)
K-House (20)
Interior PT. NGI (8)
Interior RSUD Dr.Moewardi (17)
Solo House (21)
Interior SM Tower (8)
Interior STIE (6)
Tentou Cafe (6)
Omah Sembungharjo (9)
Interior MSC (13)
Bimbel Pelita Ilmu (10)
Pondok Darul Hikmah (8)
A-House (13)
Pulang Cafe (9)
R-House (12)
Seroja House (12)
All Projects | Omah Sembungharjo
Published: 13 March 2025
Project Status: Konsep
Project Cost(IDR): IDR 76 juta - 100 juta
By {[{ project.owner_name }]}
in project {[{ project.title }]}
{[{ }]} {[{ ? ' | ' : '' }]} {[{ photo_info.budget == 1 ? '$': ''}]} {[{ photo_info.budget == 2 ? '$$': ''}]} {[{ photo_info.budget == 3 ? '$$$': ''}]} {[{ photo_info.budget == 4 ? '$$$$': ''}]} {[{ photo_info.budget ? ' | ' : '' }]} {[{ photo_info.room_category_str }]} {[{ photo_info.room_category_str ? ' | ' : '' }]} {[{ project.location ? project.location : ''}]}
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